Monday, June 11, 2012

June - Week 2: Beach

Last week was another great, relaxing, fun, week for everyone. Bubs and Z continued working on their bins, and Z started loving the bead bin with the tweezers. Practicing those fine motor skills! Plus we added a table to the back room and they both feel so grown up!

I concentrated on the letter F for Bubs' sake and we did lots of F and fish activities. We started the week with practicing writing the letter F. Look at Bubs' perfect lowercase F! Amazing. Babe worked on a simple dot-to-dot.

We also did lots of crafts. The first was a contact paper fish I found on Pinterest. I loved this idea and it was a repeat of the Easter cross craft, so the girls remembered it and were pretty excited to do it again. So i set them up with their choice of tissue paper and some scissors to start cutting away. Then they completed their fishes.

These turned out really cool, and when I saw Babe's intricate detail in her fish, I ran to her room and grabbed a puzzle featuring a special fish. I asked her if she could think of any fish that kind of looks like the one she made! 

She couldn't think of one.

But when I showed her the puzzle she got really excited.

"Mine DOES look like that one!!!"

Then she completed the puzzle featuring...Rainbow Fish!

Another craft we did was my personal favorite, and though I couldn't get the original way to work, I still finagled a way to make it equally enjoyable. Bubs was unable to participate in this craft, but Z and Babe loved it when they were done.

I had them each color a teeny tiny fish that Babe helped me cut out.

When they were done, I attached their fish to a paper clip and tied the clip to a piece of thread. I then taped the thread to the lid of a baby food jar, and had Babe and Z add some aquarium rocks to their jar.

When I twisted the lid on, viola! Miniature fish tanks! :)


As far as Babe is concerned, I am keeping her reading, writing, and comprehension up every day. Mandatory practice. She read all her books, and picked her favorite to write about.

Love it.

I am working on getting her to add more details to her sentences, so when she finished writing, I added questions to the back of her sheet so she could answer them and realize that these details can add to her review.

Babe also had a huge week this week, as she received a response from The White House to her letter she wrote back in February!!!

She read the return address on the envelope, and when I asked her who lived at The White House, it took her about five seconds to realize the answer.

She hit the roof.

I'm personally kind of bummed it was a form letter, but Babe didn't know the difference and freaked out just the same. 

The envelope was packed with information, mostly on Bo. There was a pamphlet in there on Bo's daily schedule, a map of the different rooms of The White House, and various photos of The President and his dog.

Overall, it was a really great experience for her to write the letter and receive a response. She wanted right away to write him a thank-you note back, especially thanking him for her favorite part of the package - a picture of Bo in front of The White House.

To end yet another week of Beach material, we headed to a different local beach and spent five hours learning about how some waves break and how other waves don't. Babe learned to fall in love with the water instead of dreading it! We all had a blast!

Monday, June 4, 2012

June - Week 1: Beach

Wednesday, May 30th - Friday, June 1st

Last week went great. Bubs and Z are really enjoying their new bins and Bubs is doing great with the "harder" work. Z gets bummed when I tell him he can't do the harder bins, but I've been working with him and his number 1-5, recognition and counting, and he's doing great! He loves searching through the bucket of shells to pick out the perfect ones. 

Last week we concentrated on the letter T - practicing its sound and practicing writing it. Thursday we did a bunch of turtle activities.

They started by doing a T is for Turtle worksheet, where Bubs practiced writing her capital and lowercase Ts. 



Then for the rest of the morning we created our own awesome foam turtles (an awesome $1 grab in the craft department at WalMart)!!!

As for Babe, we are continuing to keep track of her grandparents as they travel cross-country! 

I also grabbed all Calvert-provided picture books that she read throughout Kindergarten and piled them up in front of her. She was proud of the fact she read them all!!! 


After reminding herself of them all, I had her choose her favorite one. She did. 

Then I had her write a letter to the author (or in this case, adapter) of the story.

I forgot to take a picture of the letter, but while Babe was writing it, Bubs practiced her lowercase Ts on manuscript paper, just like her big sis. 

Babe is keeping up her reading beautifully. She read six books last week, as per the two book a day deal. Amazing!!!

We ended the week with a trip to one of the local beaches, duh!!!

This week we are continuing with the same bins, and concentrating on the letter F. Read more about it at the end of the week!