Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Today, and for the next week and a half, will be mostly about Math. And Christmas. Math and Christmas. We are pretty much right on track with Calvert's lessons, a little ahead actually, so I'm slowing that down and will start with Lesson 72 after the New Year (when new discussions start on Community Helpers).

So today, we concentrated on a solid understanding of addition. I brought out the number cards and had Babe draw the plus sign and the equals sign on two sheets of paper. Then I used the pictures on the Calvert worksheets to help her visualize the addition sentence before she wrote the numbers down.

We did a ton of work like this. Almost until she got bored, which I was fine with because I now know she fully understands the basics of addition.

I also know she's ready for the next step - subtraction - because during one of her number stories I had her create, she said:

"Here are two dogs, and then three more come, but the one of them leaves!"

I told Babe to leave the dog that wants to go away with the group, because next week we will learn about that, subtraction. She obliged.

So yes, we are cruising right along in Math, and she seems to be OK with it. So I'm not stopping!

After lunch, I gave her a book to add to her reading log, and she read this one so amazingly well that I want her to read it every day for the rest of December. It was so cute and Babe fluctuated the tone of her voice exactly how the story intended. She is becoming such a great reader. After every page I couldn't stop telling her "Good job!"

After she read it, I picked random pages and had her point out the nouns, verbs, and adjectives. She's also getting good at this. I'm so proud of her.

Yeah, today was a good day.

On to Wednesday! Where our discussions on Christmas begin!

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