Sunday, September 30, 2012

Third Month. Third and Fourth Week.

I know I know. I'm a little late. Sue me. I'm enjoying life (and the new Fall TV season!!!) a little too much to sit and write. But Babe has been doing awesome in First Grade and believe it or not, we are finishing up Math and should be starting Second Grade Math in a few weeks!!! Crazy. Speaking of Math...


Babe completed her subtraction chapter and this past week alone we fit in a two-week lesson into one week. I knew I'd be able to do this with confidence because the chapter was on money. Babe has been counting and playing with money since she could talk. haha. So yeah, we finished up that chapter pretty quickly, ending the week with taking real money to the local fruit stand and buying apples with exact change. 


Babe is averaging about one chapter book per week, and completes one story web and mini report about every book she reads. It's awesome. Her comprehension is off the charts and I'm just so proud of her. She just finished up a Scooby Doo chapter book and picked another one up from the library. They'd scare me at six years old but she seems OK with them! Every time we go to the library, though, she asks if she can check out Harry Potter yet. I really don't think she's ready, but maybe the first book will be a good 7th birthday gift... :)

We have also been immersed in learning the differences between contractions, possessive nouns, and plural nouns. She is struggling a bit every day with this, but she is getting there. When she finished her Scooby Doo book, I made a chart for her and had her look at the first page of every chapter. Then I had her find all the contractions, possessive nouns, and plural nouns on that page and sort them. She grew very frustrated, but when I stepped in to help, she finished strong. I asked her to do the last chapter by herself and she was able to. I think we will continue to do this with every book. It seems like good practice!


Social Studies:
The past two weeks have been a more in-depth review of reading a globe and learning the names of each continent and ocean, and their locations on Earth. We've also been discussing the cultures of each continent. It was cool to learn that though no one actually lives in Antarctica, people can visit and others have extended stays for scientific research! They stay in igloos and/or brightly colored, one-room shelters. 

When I had two Google searches on a split screen on my laptop, I looked up "South American food" and "North American food" for Babe to compare each.

"What do you see here that South Americans eat a lot of?"
"Whoa! Lots of vegetables! And all their food is colorful!"
"Good! What do you see that North Americans eat a lot of?"
"Meat. And desserts."

haaaahahaha. That's all she said. It was hilarious. 

We discussed reasons for why there are such big differences between what we eat and it was cool to know that Babe is understanding that everyone in the world is different. 

We finish this up next week and I will introduce her to Christopher Columbus the week after!


The past two weeks have been all about animals in Science - what they need to live, how their body parts help them get what they need, and how there are all different kinds of animals. It stopped Babe's heart for about two minutes when she realized that humans are mammals.

"I'm an animal?!"

So we've been doing various things to learn about how animals live. We made bird feeders to learn how birds can reach food if it's off the ground.


We discussed how birds can reach food high in the trees because of their wings, and when we went and checked on our feeders the next day, both had some peanut butter/seeds missing! Bubs's feeder location was prime, though. Check out her big hole in the feeder!

Pretty neato. We ended the week by heading to our local rookery, a hangout of sorts for birds to nest and mate! While it was still a little too early in the year to see the huge amount of birds that are usually there, we didn't leave without the pleasure of watching a mother white egret feed her two babies!


As far as other activities, I've been keeping up with the Fall theme and we've been discussing/reading about scarecrows and apples. 

One week, the girls even got to make their own scarecrows!


The next week we did some apple activities, including using their fingers to paint apples onto a big apple tree! :)

We read Arnold's Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons and they learned that apples are ready to be picked from the tree when the leaves are very yelllow and ready to fall!



We then ended September by making our favorite Fall treat...BAKED APPLES! Babe remembers making them last year so I knew we had to do it again. They truly are delicious and it's a great food that both girls could easily helped with.

So I gathered up the apples that Babe bought at the local produce stand and halved them while the girls made the mix for the center of the apples.

Then they each helped me core out the apples!

 Then about 45 minutes later, we got to enjoy the deliciousness! 

"Tat2? I think you made these TOO good this time!"

So that's it! That's September! What a great month! 

October will see lots of pumpkins, Christopher Columbus, and other spoooooooky things to ring in Halloween at the end of the month!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Third Month. 2nd Week.

This week was kind of a rough week and not a lot was accomplished. But here goes anyway.


This week, again, was all about subtraction. By the end of the week, I made a decision that Babe wasn't ready for the Chapter 10 test. She just wasn't confident enough in her knowledge of using subtraction to solve word problems, so I'm going to give her another week until she's solid in it.


Reading is pretty much the only thing we advanced in this week, and she's doing pretty good with it. Babe is starting to fully understand plural vs. possessive nouns, and the differences in verb tenses. Calvert doesn't quite go into the reason for verb tenses yet, but they introduce the idea that all verbs have different endings.

During this week's lessons, I had her write verbs down, then write each tense with them. She's good at it! I also had her use each tense in a sentence. Without going into why the sentences were different, she easily recognized that she couldn't use the same tense with different subjects. It's weird how she just..."knows"...that it doesn't sound right. For example, she knew "I jumped." was correct, but when she had to use "jumps", she knew she couldn't say "I".

She is also reading her chapter books fairly well, finishing up Junie B. and starting Mary-Kate and Ashley's Mysteries series. I have noticed, however, that when she realizes she's at the end of the story, she rushes through reading to finish the book. So we talked about how the end of the book is the resolution of the whole story, and how it's important not to miss! But she is able to fill out Story Maps well and it's so encouraging to see her love reading so much. It's awesome.


Social Studies:


We were able to finish up Chapter 2, learning about plants and how different plants can live in different climates. But again, the plan for the Chapter Test at the end of the week was out of the question. She will try again this coming week.


Bubs has been blossoming this past week in all work I have given her. This week we started "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves" by Lucille Colandro. When I showed her the book, she immediately recognized the Old Lady and her jaw dropped.

The book was paired with various work from 3 Dinosaurs. Bubs worked on patterns, color-by-number, and the order of each item the main character swallowed.


I've also been reinforcing her color mixing lesson of the month, red and yellow make orange. Last week we mixed paint, this week we mixed ketchup and mustard and dyed pudding!

Bubs helped me make some vanilla pudding and I dyed half yellow and half red. Then I stacked the colors in a cup after it formed.


I told both Babe and Bubs that they couldn't eat the pudding until it was only one color! They both got to stirring. :)



Another activity we did was based on Nadine Brun-Cosme's book "Big Wolf and Little Wolf, The Little Leaf that Wouldn't Fall". Seriously, another beyond adorable book that I just can't get enough of. I saw a Fall craft on Pinterest that I knew The Girls would enjoy, and this book from the library was the perfect companion for it. It was such a coincidence.

For the craft, I had Bubs collect a whole box of Fall leaves, and the next day I had the girls crush them all. Who doesn't like cracking dry Fall leaves in between their fingers!? Both girls had a blast, and while they were crushing leaves, I traced a Fall leaf template onto various Fall colored construction paper. When the leaves were crushed, I gave both girls a bottle of liquid glue and had them outline the leaf I traced. Then...they got to sprinkling their leaf dust onto the glue.


THESE TURNED OUT BEAUTIFUL. Both girls loved this so much that I just kept tracing the leaf because they kept asking for more! It was awesome and we all spent the whole afternoon making Fall leaves. Perfect to go into the office-classroom.

And with that (and a surprise trip to see Finding Nemo 3D), the week was over. 

PHEW! Onward into Fall!