Sunday, August 19, 2012

Second Month. First Week!

Is anyone else completely shocked that it's August already? I mean, really. I feel like 2012 just started, let alone it being almost Fall. It's kind of insane.

Anyway, let me get right to the point.


As previously stated, Babe is cruising through Math. I've been doubling up lessons where I see fit and it's been working out great. We started the week off by naming how many tens and ones were in a number, but I took it a step or two further and added the hundreds and thousands places.

When I previously asked her to write the number "one thousand, six hundred, forty two", she would write it something like this:


Which makes completely sense if you are six years old. 

But by the end of a couple days, she was able to write any number I gave her correctly, and name how many of each place there was.

Next she worked on counting on by fives, tens, and twos, starting at a random number between 1-100. To my surprise she struggled with this a bit, but after waking her brain up a bit more, she did it with ease.

For this, I asked her to get five or so stuffed animals from her room, asked Bubs to get five baby dolls. I had them line up all the toys against the wall, then Bubs and I stood next to them on the wall.

"OK Babe, how many legs are we, all standing together here."
"1, 2, 3..."
"Hmm...isn't there an easier and faster way to count how many legs?"
"Ohhhhhh yeah! 2, 4, 6, 8, 10..."

When she got to the end, I asked her how many legs there would be if her mom and dad were standing next to me.

"OK, so there's 22 here now, so there'd be 26!"

We continued this exercise with fingers, toes, eyes and ears. She did well with each one.

I then had them each bring five pairs of their shoes out to the living room.

I took away one of each pair, but this exercise was moot once Babe told me there were 20 shoes in all because "10 plus 10 equals 20." I mean, before I even asked her any questions she knew what I was doing. I made her count by twos anyway...haha.

Babe ended the week by taking her Chapter 8 test AND her Lesson 80 test. A great way to end the week.


As said in the previous post, Babe is blossoming in Reading and we started something new and exciting for her this week - silent reading! This whole week, I have handed over Calvert's Phonics Reading books to Babe for her to read silently and answer questions.

I know these books are way too easy for her to read, but I also know that the way these books mix vowel sounds within sentences are great practice for her to be able to read smoother for the future. Since I know she can read these out loud, this week I did something new.

I gave each book to her each day, had her pick a quiet spot in the house, and had her read them silently on her own time. When she was sure she read everything, I handed her a sheet of questions I made up to make sure she comprehended everything correctly.

(The last question and answer combo still crack me up and this was days ago.)

Once she answers the questions, we then discussed the books. She did well. So well that I introduced her to Level 3 illustrated chapter books, which she is inhaling.

This week I will have her read silently the stories in her Reading text book, and depending on how well she does with that, Junie B. books might make a small entrance next week! 



Social Studies:
Babe has been getting a good dose of geography during the Olympics and has consistently been able to locate various countries in Asia and Europe during our medal counting activity.

We have yet to complete it due to lack of time, but this week we will finish it up and do some major counting to record some statistics. We all had Olympic fever and once Babe and Bubs watched a few volleyball games, they were determined to learn how to play.

Buuuut since it's nearly 100 degrees outside, the lesson ended ten minutes later. We will have to wait until Fall.

Aside from the Olympics, Babe also dove into her new Maps text book this week. We worked on how to read and how to make maps.

I started with having her count the major furniture in her bedroom, then grab dollhouse items to match them. Then I had her create her bedroom using the dollhouse furniture.

I then gave her a sheet of paper and had her map out her room! She really liked this activity! Once she drew the map of her bedroom, I asked Bubs to go stand somewhere in her room. Then I asked Babe to take the map she created of her bedroom, locate Bubs, then draw a red X on the map to where Bubs was standing.

She. Loved. This. 

We did this numerous times.

Then I drew a pink circle on her map and asked Babe to go stand where the pink circle is.

She did!

Next, I took the dollhouse furniture away, then asked her to draw a map of the other bedroom in the house.

She was able to do it with ease, and we repeated the Bubs-locating activity as well. Many times.


This week, Babe learned about reading a thermometer. We did the Science worksheets and kept track of the temperature outside every hour. During one of the hours, it rained, and the temp was lower than normal.

"Why do you think the temperature is lower than it was last hour?"
"Because it's raining, and the rain cools everything down, because it's water!"
"That's a good thought. Can you think of another reason why it's not as hot?"
"Because the sun is behind the clouds!"

She understands weather pretty well and when I had her record the temperature when she got home from gymnastics that night, it was a much lower number and she knew right away why.

"Because it was getting dark and the sun was going down, so the sun couldn't make it hot out!"


And that's it for the first week! Bubs starts preschool next week (tomorrow), which will give her a good handle on how school works, then she will be starting Calvert Kindergarten in no time! Gah! 

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