Today I prepared two lessons in one day due to a planned field trip tomorrow. Math was an easy one to double up today because Lesson 20 was a Progress Report for Babe. This whole Math section has been a review, so she scored very high marks for this period.
Last night's homework was a little baffling to me. It was a review on flip, turn, and slide, but the middle section, turn, couldn't both answers be correct? She circled the bottom one, which is correct, but to be sure, I cut out one of them and we did our own turning experiment (the second half moon that I cut out is taped to the sheet, but you can see the cutout, with the straight line on top).
Babe was a little confused, but with the visual she was able to see that both answers are correct, it really just depends on how much you turn them.
After we were both satisfied, we moved on to the official introduction of 3D figures. Today was just a basic lesson of matching 2D shapes with 3D counterparts. Babe was easily able to find household items that matched each one.
Math. Complete.
We did our Reading Comprehension review of the four stories from this week, and after discussing each, I had her do her normal drawing of her her favorite scene/related image from each story.
For the book "Here Are My Hands", I asked her to draw her favorite body part. She first drew her hands, then her feet, then opted for her whole body.
"Why did you draw your whole body?"
"Because I can do everything with my body and it's all my favorite."
Her same reasoning went for story three, the wordless book "See What We Can Do." I guess you can't ask her what her favorite thing to do is, because everything is her favorite.
And when I asked her to draw her favorite feeling to feel, I was a little worried when she drew what she did. I asked her why being sad was her favorite way of feeling, and she corrected me.
"I don't like being sad. It's just my favorite feeling to DRAW!"
OK then. Reading Comprehension complete.
Babe was in awe at this and Z was even doing it awesomely. Bubs was a little off this morning so she wasn't into this craft as she usually is. But Z and Babe each worked hard on theirs, and spent a good hour working. They turned out great! They each made three and when they dry, they will have awesome leaves to paint and turn into magnets!
After lunch, Babe had her Science lesson on sense of taste. Naturally, I set up a taste-testing booth for her.
I blindfolded her and had her try each one. She got every one right! Impressive. We then discussed taste buds, and how there are thousands on the tongue that like different kinds of food more than others. Her Science worksheet explained that sour buds were in the back and sweet and salty buds were in the front.
"Do you think you'd need a tongue in your mouth to taste? Or can your mouth and teeth do it?"
"NO! You need your buddies to help you taste, right?!"
Laughing. Out loud.
That was the end of the official Kindergarten day, but to continue with my own Fall theme, we cooked a Fall treat. I hope to do something like this once a week now to reinforce seasons and to get her in the kitchen more. So today we made baked apples.
"Why do you think apples are considered a Fall treat?"
"Because they fall from the trees in Fall. Get it? Fall, and fall!"
I had no better answer.
While I halved and cored the apples, Babe and Bubs mixed the stuffing.
After I halved the apples, I showed the girls the stars in the middle of the apple. Apparently Babe had never seen such a thing and was, for the second time today, in awe of it. It was pretty cute, her reaction.
So then I cored them and handed them off to the girls to stuff. They did brilliantly!
We each shook one sprinkle of cinnamon over the apples, then there was nothing left to do but wait.
Thirty minutes later, the house was smelling like I was burning a Fall candle, and the apples were ready to come out!!!
I mean really, don't they look delicious?
Because they were. Babe had two! Z ate his whole one, and Bubs wasn't interested in the apple as much as she was in the ice cream I dolloped on top.
And that's the end of Kindergarten for the day.
And that's the end of Kindergarten for the MONTH! Today was our last day of Babe's first month in Kindergarten.
What a ride!
So far.