Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4th Week, 3rd Day

Today, Bubs and Z got to decorate the board. Babe drew a little train in the corner. See it?

In Math today, Babe first reviewed shapes and how, when put together, can make other shapes.
Enter the infamous square puzzle.

I'm trying to figure out how this is even in a Kindergartner's lesson! I was only able to do it once, then after that I forgot how. Babe couldn't do it at all but she kept trying. When I saw her frustration grow, we put it away and continued with a different part of Math.

We went over the movements of shapes - slide, flip, and turn. She got the hang of it pretty quick, so I had her trace each movement, then "quizzed" her on each one. I had her close her eyes, then tell me what I did for each of the three shapes. She did good! And after I was sure she knew that the shapes to not change shape, just position/direction, Math was finished!

Time for Reading Comprehension with telling another wordless story. She "read" "See What We Can Do" pretty adorably. She picked up on the little illustrated details like she was supposed to, like this hysterical line:

"Mommy look! I can hopscotch with no numbers on the squares!"

I laughed. A lot. In my head.

While we still had some time before lunch I had her do her Writing lesson. We started another list about the function of some body parts, using full sentences. She is getting very good at sounding words out on her own, so I only had to help her minimally today. Babe put three sentences on her list.

After lunch, she did her Checkpoints and then we started a "sense wall". So far, we've learned
about our sense of sight and sense of touch, so for homework on those days, I have her take
pictures of each family member's body part specific to the day. Then Babe writes the sense and lines up each family member's part with that sense. I think it's a pretty good visual, and it'll be something fun for her to mix and match when we have all the parts. She doesn't know that part yet.

After the brief science lesson, we had some time left before nap time got over, so I had her add to her reading log with "A Fairy Tale Fall" by Apple Jordan. This was a VERY tough read for her, but I think mostly because it was towards the end of the day and her brain was tired. But she wanted to keep reading it so I let her. She struggled over some words the first time through, but refused to get frustrated and continued on. After her "practice run", she was good to go for her official read and only struggled over one...word. Actually two words. The sentence started "Everyone wears..." but she skipped reading "wears" because "one" has the beginning sound of /w/. I had to show her that "everyone" is one word, and that "wears" was a totally different word. Phew. She finally got it and finished up the book.

While adding it to her journal, she was very amused that the author's name was Apple.

"What if your name was Banana?!"

And with that, school was done for the day.

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