Saturday, September 10, 2011

Second Week: Look Ahead

This is my first attempt at a "Look Ahead" blog and as I've said in previous posts, I'd love some feedback on ideas to incorporate into the next five days. Most of the crafts and activities I do with Babe are things that I distinctly remember doing when I was in school, so if you have any of those that fit the topics, let me know!

I did a quick run through of Lessons 7-11, which will comprise Babe's second week of Kindergarten.

Monday - Lesson 7
Math: top/middle/bottom; Calvert worksheets; activity - hamburger craft
Reading Comprehension: "The Tortoise and the Hare"; making predictions, taking your time; activity - setting up a Domino row (going slow, taking your time)
Phonemic Awareness: "Caterpillar"; definition of stretch; activity - ???
Science: body parts; assemble puppet; label parts
Discussion: chores

Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; trace self and Bubs, label parts; do one chore

Tuesday - Lesson 8
Math: left/right; Calvert worksheets; activity - label L/R around house
Reading Comprehension: "The Lion and the Mouse"; recalling details; activity - ???
Phonemic Awareness: "Hickory Dickory Dock"; rhyming; activity - sing with different (rhyming) words
Science: balance, using a scale; incorporate L/R with scale (make L heavier than R)
Discussion: importance of being yourself

Homework: trace family members' hands, label L/R

Wednesday - Lesson 9
Math: left/right; Calvert worksheets; activity - using counters on L/R pages of book
Reading Comprehension: "The Enormous Turnip"; compare/contrast with previous story; activity - create a "pet" mouse (mouse helped in each story)
Phonemic Awareness: "Pease Porridge Hot"; activity - make, taste cold/hot oatmeal
Science: body parts; review with puppet; activity - color traced self from Monday's HW
Discussion: being unique

Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; rhyming words for body parts; draw how each family member is unique

Thursday - Lesson 10
Math: review all terms; Calvert worksheets; activity: use dollhouse props to illustrate each term
Reading Comprehension: review all stories; recall details of each; draw favorite scene/character from each
Phonemic Awareness: "Little Miss Muffet"; definition of tuffet, curds/whey; activity - act out story
Discussion: birthdays

Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; write date of each family member's birthday; wrap assortment of toys

Friday - Lesson 11
Math: sorting by color; Calvert worksheets; activity - sort toy dogs by color
Reading Comprehension: "Now I'm Big"; discussion of age differences
Phonemic Awareness: rhyming with picture cards
Vocabulary: big/little; read books on subject
Discussion: holidays; activity - draw picture of favorite holiday

Homework: Calvert-assigned worksheet; discovery walk - take pictures of at least three different animal homes; write big/little five times each

And there you have it. Thoughts? Criticisms? Ideas? Let me hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Thanks for all of the insight into Calvert Kindergarten. The crafts you are using to supplement sound perfect.
