I did a quick run through of Lessons 7-11, which will comprise Babe's second week of Kindergarten.
Monday - Lesson 7
Math: top/middle/bottom; Calvert worksheets; activity - hamburger craft
Reading Comprehension: "The Tortoise and the Hare"; making predictions, taking your time; activity - setting up a Domino row (going slow, taking your time)
Phonemic Awareness: "Caterpillar"; definition of stretch; activity - ???
Science: body parts; assemble puppet; label parts
Discussion: chores
Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; trace self and Bubs, label parts; do one chore
Tuesday - Lesson 8
Math: left/right; Calvert worksheets; activity - label L/R around house
Reading Comprehension: "The Lion and the Mouse"; recalling details; activity - ???
Phonemic Awareness: "Hickory Dickory Dock"; rhyming; activity - sing with different (rhyming) words
Science: balance, using a scale; incorporate L/R with scale (make L heavier than R)
Discussion: importance of being yourself
Homework: trace family members' hands, label L/R
Wednesday - Lesson 9
Math: left/right; Calvert worksheets; activity - using counters on L/R pages of book
Reading Comprehension: "The Enormous Turnip"; compare/contrast with previous story; activity - create a "pet" mouse (mouse helped in each story)
Phonemic Awareness: "Pease Porridge Hot"; activity - make, taste cold/hot oatmeal
Science: body parts; review with puppet; activity - color traced self from Monday's HW
Discussion: being unique
Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; rhyming words for body parts; draw how each family member is unique
Thursday - Lesson 10
Math: review all terms; Calvert worksheets; activity: use dollhouse props to illustrate each term
Reading Comprehension: review all stories; recall details of each; draw favorite scene/character from each
Phonemic Awareness: "Little Miss Muffet"; definition of tuffet, curds/whey; activity - act out story
Discussion: birthdays
Homework: Calvert-assigned math worksheet; write date of each family member's birthday; wrap assortment of toys
Friday - Lesson 11
Math: sorting by color; Calvert worksheets; activity - sort toy dogs by color
Reading Comprehension: "Now I'm Big"; discussion of age differences
Phonemic Awareness: rhyming with picture cards
Vocabulary: big/little; read books on subject
Discussion: holidays; activity - draw picture of favorite holiday
Homework: Calvert-assigned worksheet; discovery walk - take pictures of at least three different animal homes; write big/little five times each
And there you have it. Thoughts? Criticisms? Ideas? Let me hear them!
Great blog. Thanks for all of the insight into Calvert Kindergarten. The crafts you are using to supplement sound perfect.