Friday, September 16, 2011

Second Week, Day 4

Today was a very chill day full of review of the past week. Babe was feeling better but a little on the tired side, so I told her if we finished a lot of her lessons in the morning, she could nap in the afternoon if she still felt tired. She agreed.

Since she knew all of her math terms anyway, we zoomed right through it. She was able to show me, using her dollhouse pieces, what each term meant. I gave her the worksheet to end Chapter 1 (!!!) and she finished it with ease.

The same idea went for reading comprehension. She remembered the previous four stories we read and was able to tell me the premise of each. Then I had her draw her favorite character/scene from each story, like last week, but this time I took a picture.

Her train was so good! She even tried to sound out "I think I can." And yes, those are lollipops at the end of the train.

In her second box, can you see the rabbit sleeping in the trees? She also drew the turtle on a skateboard because the video she watched through Calvert made the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare" a little more modern.

Box 3 features the lion from "The Lion and the Mouse." And the teeny little brown spot next to his tail is, in fact, the mouse.

I can't get over the farmer's hat in box 4. So cute. As is the other teeny mouse that helped (can you see him), along with the enormous turnip that's nearly as big as the farmer himself.

So with this, her reading comp. lesson was over.

To end the morning, I brought out the crayons and had each kid scribble or draw whatever they wanted on a sheet of paper. Z was so proud of his scribbling ability that he kept asking us all to "LOOK!" It was cute. Babe was sure to draw her favorite, hearts, and Bubs was done scribbling when she saw me try to hide the watercolors.

When they were finished scribbling, I asked Babe and Bubs to try to paint over their scribbles. Bubs immediately noticed the bubbling effect and gasped and tried it again. Babe was more cautious as she didn't want to ruin her drawing she did with the crayons, so she painted around her drawing. Z went to town with the watercolors. His actually turned out really cool. The brown watercolor around the pink crayon had an almost glowing affect.

Z's masterpiece.

Bubs' painting. She actually tried to paint over her crayon marks.

Babe's painting. As you can see, she was very careful not to ruin her heart.

After clean up and free-play it was lunch time. I put the little ones down for their nap and Babe asked if she could take one too. I obliged, but had her do her Checkpoints first.

After nap, she recited "Little Miss Muffet" for phonemic awareness and I helped her define 'tuffet' and 'curds and whey.' After a few more times of reciting, we jumped into our final discussion on birthdays.

Babe told me the date of her birthday, then I told her the date of the rest of her family's. I asked her what her favorite part of her birthday was and she said, "Seeing all my family and eating my cake!" So cute. I read her "Henry's Happy Birthday" by Holly Keller and she wanted to talk about how she tries to be nice to the people at her party, even if she doesn't really like the present.

"I should still be nice to them because they used their money on me."

How does she come up with this stuff?

We were basically done with the day, but she reminded me about singing The Song, so she sang it while sitting on the couch. Then I told her she just finished her second week of Kindergarten.

"COOL! So next week I'll be in my third week!"


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