Friday, September 9, 2011

Last Day of the First Week!!!

Babe woke up to this message this morning outside her door. How cute is that? She even read it to her little sister when I arrived this morning. Aww...

Today's Math lesson covered over, on, and under. Again, nothing thrilling, but I followed through with it nonetheless. We took some props from her dollhouse and briefly reviewed the terms by placing things under, over, and on the bed. Then I handed her a sheet of paper and asked her to draw a playground. When she was done, I asked her to draw a bug under the flower, a girl on the slide, and a bird flying over the cloud. Once she did that, I gave her three pieces of paper cut small and had her draw another cloud, flower, and slide on them. I then had her write the math terms that went with each image (over - cloud, under - flower, on - slide). She was a little confused with what I was having her do, but once she was done with that part, I showed her that she was making a lift-the-flap-type page. She got really excited and told me how cool it was.

"Like some of the library books you get for the babies!"


She was pretty impressed with her work and I was very impressed with her cute little playground. She thought it was cool that you had to lift the flap to see what was on, under, and over each picture.

Math. Complete.

Babe asked if she could free play for a bit and I obliged. It's Friday. What are you going to do?

So after about 20 minutes of free play, I had everyone get on the couch so I could read "The Little Engine That Could" for Babe's Reading Comprehension lesson. Z was obsessed with the "choo-choo!!!" and Bubs was just happy all around. Babe was a little frustrated because she couldn't really hear over the two little ones, but they got bored and left a bit into the story anyway. Babe is familiar with this story but after I read it I asked her to recall the story anyway. She knew the sequence pretty well and I compared the story sequence to patterns.

Then I got out her shape blocks. EVERYONE loves the shape blocks, and as soon as I dumped them onto the floor, the other two who ran away came running back. I took two shapes and created a pattern with them. Then had Babe finish it using the rest of the shapes in the bucket (to make it really long, the length of the living room, to be exact).

When she finished the first one, she wanted me to start another one for her so I obliged. She made that one just as long as the first one, then asked me for another one!

I tried to make it more challenging by changing the orientation of the blue diamond, but it didn't matter. She had the hang of it.

So she made three full-size pattern lines and when I told her she was done with her reading lesson, she said:

"But I want to make a thousand!"

But we ran out of blocks...

Reading Comprehension. Complete.

After lunch and while the little ones were sleeping, Babe did her Checkpoints. Then we discussed being polite and compassionate towards people, especially her little sister and parents. I read her "The Berenstain Bears Get In a Fight" and "The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies." She knows how to be polite and nice, but it sometimes slips her it does with all five-year-olds I presume. So I told her part of her weekend homework was to have her parents write down at least three times she was nice to her sister and parents.

"Oh there will be more than three things."

We'll see.

I know it was a lot of reading, but I had Babe read another book to add to her reading log for September, and she did it without a hitch. No complaints or anything!

We finished the day on a high note and I asked Babe how her first week of Kindergarten went.

"We do it again next week, right?"

First week of Kindergarten. Complete.

Be on the lookout over the weekend for some sort of planning blog for the coming week. It will be a very rough draft of my ideas and schedule, and I will gladly welcome any and all ideas to incorporate into the week.



  1. Not that you are doing AR, but the AR bookfinder has this as a 1st grade, 9 month level book :) I only know because I was checking lots of our books last night because Lexie can only test in a certain level.

  2. Well that's kind of cool! Thanks! I knew she was reading past Kindergarten level but not sure where. :)

  3. you can use AR bookfinder to see the estimated grade level, but I would use it loosely. Lexie reads some second grade books well and has harder time with some first grade books... but it can give you something to check with.
