Today we went back to normal routine from yesterday and started with Math. I put a pile of Halloween erasers and pencils on the table and asked if one pencil and one eraser was a set, how many sets does she think there are?
OK then. So I had her put the sets together.
As soon as she put the sets together she had it all figured out. I didn't even ask her anything!
"There are twelve complete sets and zero incomplete sets. Can I sharpen one of these pencils and use it this week?"
After that answer, I couldn't say no.
So after her worksheets, Math was done and I prepped the area for a Halloween craft.
I saw this idea on Pinterest and totally fell in love with it. I cut the egg cartons beforehand because I knew Z and Bubs wouldn't be able to do it. And since I wanted this to be fun, I cut it for Babe since I knew she'd get frustrated at not being able to cut hers round enough. When I gave them their stuff, they started painting with black.
After we all (yes, I made one too because they are too stinkin' adorable to not have hanging in your house) placed our eyes on our bats, we set them outside to dry.
While they dried, we made Swamp Juice from the book "Wormy Apple Croissants and Other Halloween Recipes" by Brekka Hervey Larrew. All three kids helped me load the ingredients and stir.
It turned out quite delicious. Z drank his whole cup while the girls sipped theirs and never finished (they aren't keen on soda, or "spicy" drinks, as Babe calls it). Here's a photo of my juice, topped with lime sherbert!
After juice-drinking, I cleaned up during free-play. I got the bats out from outside, too!
I hung the bats in the dining room above the table and Z got a huge kick out of that. Every time he walked by the table, he screamed my name and pointed.
Very cute.
After lunch and during nap, I did Reading Comprehension with Babe, only, I think it was more like grammar/vocabulary building. We read the book "I Went Walking" again and this time I had her list all the animals in the book. Then I had her turn each animal into its plural state, all by adding an 's.'
We did the same with things from around the house. I taught her about what to do with words that end in 'y' and how it's even more different with words that end in a vowel and 'y.'
Enter confusion. For me too! The more I have to take apart the English language to teach Babe, the more I realize how screwed up it all is.
Anyway, so then I had to teach her what vowels were, which she actually picked up quite quickly.
After those quick lessons, we took the same animals from "I Went Walking" and separated them as adjectives and nouns. She did VERY well with this, so I took some things from around the house and had her do the same. She's a pro already at basic grammar!
I had her take a quick nap so she could catch up with her brain. We did a lot today and I noticed her eyes were getting droopier by the minute. But after her nap, she wanted to add a book to her reading log, so I picked the one that was due to the library tomorrow, "A Color of His Own" by Leo Lionni.
This. Book.
I can't get over its cuteness. Even Babe, at the end, said, "Aww!"
Day done. More Halloween awesomeness tomorrow.
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