Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Second Month, Third Day

Today was another awesome day! We started off with Math, as usual, and Babe was having so much fun that it lasted all morning. All it was was more patterning, too, but she kept it going making patterns out of everything.

We started by making patterns using dog manipulatives. This is where I pressed upon her that patterns aren't just of colors, but of shapes, positions, objects, etc. So I asked her to make an AAB pattern, but to not use the dogs' color.

She did.

Then when I thought we were basically done, she asked if she could do what we did yesterday - use the tangrams to build another long pattern. Yep! So not only did she build one long AAB pattern, she built TWO long AAB patterns. Amazing.

Once she was satisfied with her build, we put the shapes away and she completed her worksheet.

Math done. Just in time for the library.

Today was a glorious day, so after the library I set up a picnic lunch outside and we spent a full hour out there. It was breezy, it was cool, it was just beautiful. Babe brought her crayons and coloring book out there so while Z and Bubs were running around and riding bikes and chasing each other, Babe and I were just laying on the blanket relaxing. It was awesome. I love Fall!

Around 1:30 we headed inside so I could put Z and Bubs to sleep. Then Babe and I headed to the couch to discuss more about cities, mainly skyscrapers. We went through the book "Joe and the Skyscraper" by Dietrich Neumann. What a cool book! It's filled with photos of when the Empire State Building was being built, and the story is about Joe, a 16 year old kid who was hired as the construction workers' water boy! He had to climb all the scaffolding everyday to make sure the workers got their food and drink. The photos were incredible - Babe was shocked that the men weren't tied to ropes or anything while they hung over the open building. The book also had a really neat sequence of photos that started off with bare ground, and then the building grew and grew, and kept growing until it was the full Empire State Building. Babe totally got the idea of skyscrapers, so I showed her what a skyline was, and then told her she was going to build one!!!

"OK, but I'm going to be hanging on to rope!"

She felt better when I told her it was just a pretend skyline. So we got to work.

I had Babe cut up some paper towel tubes to what ever size she wanted. She actually did really good with that. Once she had them cut, I helped her wrap each roll in aluminum foil to make them shiny, like buildings. Then we got to drawing the windows.

Once she was done, she glued on her skyscrapers and decorated her city. Ta Da!!!

I think my favorite part is the order of buildings. I told Babe she can put her skyscrapers in any order she wanted to. It figures they go from smallest to biggest. My other favorite part is that the bee and the butterfly are the same size as the airplane. And that the blue bird is bigger than all of them. Love.

By the time we finished, naptime was over so I woke up Z and Bubs and set them at the table so we could all paint those leaves we made last week. Remember those? Well, I stuck magnets on the back of them and had them all paint them! They turned out awesome!

If you are a Calvert user, you can tell that today wasn't a normal Calvert day. I completely skipped Reading Comprehension. And the random activities they have us do I can't find a transition for, so we did not make things move in water. I like transitions and I'm usually good at figuring them out, but it just seems like it's awkward timing to go from city talk to making things move in water. I don't know. It's Fall, so I incorporated a Fall craft. Babe is still passing her Checkpoints with ease, so really, I have no concerns.

Here's to another awesome day tomorrow!

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