Halloween! It's oh so close. And today all of us had some more fun!
We started with Math and to reinforce Babe reading the numbers a bit, I had her put the number cards in order just by looking at their spelling. I didn't think it'd be too tough but I thought it would take her longer than it did! She very much surprised me.
After her worksheets, Math was done and it was time to set up some Halloween crafts.
The first one we did were the footprint ghosts. These always turn out so cute and what kid doesn't love the chance to get paint all over themselves?! But before I brought out the paint, I had Babe read us all "Ten Timid Ghosts" by Jennifer O'Connell. We all love this book and Bubs knows it by heart. It's so cute hearing her recite it.
Babe had to flip to a THIRD PAGE to add this book to her log. She couldn't believe it!
Anyway, after the craft, and after their feet were washed I gave them some white, orange, and black chalk to decorate their ghosts. Here they are in order of age, youngest to oldest.
They all had a blast with this. Z refused to give up his chalk until I showed him the next activity...pumpkins! They each got their own to decorate.
I gave Z and Bubs some stickers to decorate their pumpkin with, and I handed Babe some golf tees and a hammer to do something different with hers. I had her draw me a pumpkin face on a sheet of paper, a face that she wanted on her pumpkin. Then I drew that face on the pumpkin and showed her how to hammer in the tees. She was so giddy she didn't know what to do with herself.
"Hey! I'm using my gross motor skills!"
WHAT THE HECK! Literally. Out of nowhere. I told her it was amazing that she knew that and I couldn't stop encouraging her.
Babe loved decorating her pumpkin this way. When she was all done with the face, she saw how many tees were left and asked me to draw a tiara on the top of the pumpkin so she could hammer even more tees in! Awesome! I forgot to get a picture of her complete pumpkin without her in it, so I'll get one Monday. Just know it is AWESOME.
We finished the pumpkins in time for lunch, so after we ate and Z and Bubs were put to bed, I had Babe read "Spooky, Spooky, Spooky!" by Cathy MacLennan. I was completely amazed at how well and smooth she read this book. Her only hiccup was with the word "meander", which is completely understandable. But after I told her what it meant, she breezed over it during her second reading. I was so proud of her. And when she got to the last page, she laughed out loud and said, "Ohh! They were all pretending!"
Talk about reading comprehension. How cute that she laughed out loud!
When everyone woke up from their naps, it was time to decorate a Halloween cake. I dyed some frosting orange, iced the cake, then let the kids go to town with the sprinkles.
I have no plans to incorporate Calvert into Monday's festivities. I may do a bit of Math, but for the most part, we will be cooking treats and doing little school work.
But that doesn't mean I don't plan on teaching!
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