Monday, October 31, 2011


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! We strayed from a structured lesson day and just had fun. We started the day by decorating cookies!

Everyone had fun with that, and Babe was very careful in her decorating. Very cute.

After I cleaned up, I had a little matching game with pumpkin faces that was more for Bubs, but Babe got a kick out of it too. I thought for sure Bubs would be able to do this activity, but she had a little trouble with it. It wasn't until I walked her through each facial feature that she got what she had to do.

I cut shapes out of foam and made a face on my own foam pumpkin. Then I gave Babe and Bubs their own pumpkin and had them match up the shapes to make their pumpkin face identical to mine. I knew Babe would be able to do this but she still had fun, and she even wanted to make one for me to match. Bubs was either not interested or just really didn't know how to do it, but like I said, once I walked her through each feature, she kind of started to get it.

After we did a ton of those faces, Bubs and Z were off to play and I gave Babe a book to read. One she read very well. I asked her to try to read it with a rhythm, and that completely changed her reading tone.

"It all rhymes! It's kind of like a song!"

She totally got it and I was excited to listen to her really read it so smoothly. When she was all done, I handed her her reading log and she gasped so loud.


She is. Babe read 20 books all by herself this month. It was cool seeing her so proud of herself.

The rest of the day was spent baking goodies and relaxing for trick-or-treating tonight. I had so much fun and I know the kids did too. Woohoo for holidays! A little break from structure every now and then just feels so good!

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