Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Three. One. One.

Third month. First week. First day.

Today's blog post will be picture-less.

Due to last night's late festivities and it being a dance day, today's lessons were cut back tremendously because I knew all three kids would pass out right after lunch. So I set up shop on the outside patio table where we did lessons outside in the beautiful 68 degree weather!

We managed to get in two Math lessons, where Babe practiced writing her number five as well as spelling out. She also did well on a mini spelling bee where I called out a number and asked her to spell it. She kept getting caught on "four", spelling it "for." But all the other numbers she got correct! After completing all the worksheets (seriously, doubling up Math lessons means six worksheets to complete!), we had a quick discussion about good posture and behavior while sitting at the computer.

I had Babe sit at the computer and show me what good posture meant. I had to explain to her what posture actually was, but once I did, she understood that it basically meant no feet on the desk ("like that man sits at his desk in 'Space Buddies.'" Where does she remember this stuff?), no food or drink, able to see the monitor and reach the mouse and keyboard. Then I showed her the computer lab worksheet where she picked out the three misbehaving kids immediately.

Then we called it a day. I think Babe appreciated the short day. But back to normal tomorrow!

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