Friday, May 4, 2012


FINALLY! Today was the Chapter 4 test in Math. I've been holding off on giving it to her because she seemed to struggle a bit with an aspect of the subtraction lesson, but when I found out that the specific aspect wasn't really needed anyway, Babe got sick. So I slowed Math down for a week. And today, she passed the test with flying colors...even filling out the dreaded part-part-total chart correctly! Woo! She did really well on the tests, so we looked over what next week is all about - shapes, symmetry, fractions. Yay...

After Math, we blew through Reading Comp. with a lesson on sequencing. Without bringing the required books out, she completed her related worksheet.

I then asked her to tell me all the different parts of a book that she could remember. She immediately said author and illustrator. Then she remembered plot and character. She couldn't for the life of her remember the word 'title'. It was odd.

After writing down the remaining words (setting and genre), I told Babe that for the rest of the month, she will be writing her own story, but she first had to fill in these blanks. Stay tuned for a story about Bananas the Clown making people laugh at the circus. :)

Then it was time for another Spring craft. I wasn't quite sure how this was going to go, if it was going to be enjoyable or not, but once I explained what was happening, everyone had fun. Babe especially. I love her creativity.

I had Babe and Bubs count out five of each seed-type I handed to them. Then I handed them the glue and asked them to shape the seeds into a picture. Bubs and Z of course just glued wherever, but Babe thought hard about what to make, and she amazed me!!!



A butterfly! Out of seeds! So cute. She even used the little seeds as eyes. Amazing. The right picture is of a bee...using little seeds as his flight path! She thought of that all by herself. 

So. Adorable.

After clean-up and lunch, Babe and I briefly talked about what proverbs are. It proved to be pretty difficult to explain, but I told her what "Don't cry over spilt milk." meant and she sort of understood. She kept trying to think of her own proverbs so I explained that they are famous sayings, that you can't just make them up. haha

I was happy with her knowing and remembering what that main one meant, so with that, I ended the day. I broke my strict no-nap-on-Fridays rule and gave everyone a bit of extra shut-eye time in hopes of breaking this illness ahead of another crazy weekend.

The week flew by and I have a feeling this month will, too! Last month of Kindergarten!!! AHH!!!

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