Babe started the day working a bit more with fractions and recognizing one fourth of a shape. She did pretty good with that, but still wanting to say “one two-th” for one half when she sees it as one over two. Interesting way to look at things...but with repetitive practice she was back to saying “one half” in no time.
She did!
The Mother Goose poem today was “Humpty Dumpty” which both girls knew. I cut apart a themed-Mother Goose Time puzzle for each of them and had them put it together before we did the Humpty Dumpty activity. I love love love Bubs' progression of completion here.
Z had a little help from Babe.
Babe finished in no time.
When each completed their puzzles, I had them take turns putting another Humpty Dumpty together. We played the game on the floor, and Humpty started assembled. While they recited the poem, I blew on the puzzle pieces when they said the line “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall”, in which all the pieces went all over the floor. Then they took turns being the King’s (wo)man to help put him back together again.
They did this over and over. And over. And over again. Bubs loved that I called her “Miss Queen.”
After lunch, Babe finished up her story and we went over the misspelled words. It was weird, towards the end of the story, the harder words she was sounding out changed spelling, closer to the correct way. For example, she started off her story by spelling family as “famlee”, then at the end of the story, it ended up being “faimlee.” It was almost like she knew there was supposed to be an “i” in there, but no idea where. It’s actually pretty cool. And I blame her immense amount of reading for that one.
We ended the day with a little Science lesson in different ways to sort different animals. She started by sorting the animals into habitats.
Then she sorted them by types of noses. (???) And apparently, dogs and fish have the same kinds of nose, “because their noses are on top and their mouths are under their nose.”
Makes sense. Kind of. She's kind of right. Right? haha
Next was type of hair. ("This dog has really long here and all the rest of these have medium hair.")
“Wow, there’s lots of ways to sort animals!”
Yep! Amazing.
And with that, on to hump day and her last day for Kindergarten lessons!!!!
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