Thursday, May 17, 2012


Babe started Chapter 6 in Math today, and due to her previous reaction to fractions, we will be taking this chapter verrrryyyy slowwwwlllyyyy. However, when I introduced the topic and had her do some worksheets, she did them in a jiffy and even when I challenged her a bit more, she understood that like nothing! But still, I'm forcing myself to slow down for this concept. 

Next, she picked her Mother Goose rhyme of the day. I told her, though, that today we wouldn't have time to do an activity or a craft related to the poem. She understood, and when she picked "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" I was so relieved because I didn't have anything planned for that one anyway. I recited it to her, then when she was able to recite it back to me, I grabbed the iPad and searched for cockleshells for her.

"They looks like just regular shells."


With the remaining time, I put out paper, stickers, and markers for all three kids to make thank-you cards for their library teacher. Today was the last library class of the school year before summer programming starts. They all got really into this, so it was cute.

After lunch, Babe did Reading Comprehension with "Feathers for Lunch" by Lois Ehlert. I then extended the discussion about different needs for different animals, and extended it even further to different needs for people versus animals. She did her corresponding Science and Reading worksheets, then I handed her "Worms for Lunch?" by Leonid Gore. It was a lucky find at the library today and Babe noticed the similarities in the titles right away. This book was so so cute. It went through various animals saying what they liked best to eat, but how the next animal didn't like it, they liked something else. The last page had an illustration of a monkey and a rabbit in a boat with fishing poles. The monkey had a banana tied to his pole and the rabbit had a carrot tied to his. The fish in the water had question marks above his head.

"Why do you think there are question marks above the fish's head?"
"Because he's saying, 'Why are they trying to feed me a banana and a carrot?!'"
"Why do you think the monkey thinks the fish likes bananas?"
"Because bananas are all the monkey eats!"
"Do fish like bananas?"
"No, they like worms...HEY! That's why the title of the book is 'Worms for Lunch!'"

It was really neat to see her revelation.

For the rest of the afternoon, she worked on the second half of her habitat project. For homework last night, I had her draw nine different animals that. Three that lived on land, three that lived in the water, and three that lived in the air. So today I had her color them and cut them out.

I then had her sort the animals into their habitats - the ones she painted yesterday.

I then had her attach each animal to a popsicle stick while I cut slits into random spots of her paintings. And voila!

Babe thought this was one of the coolest things and immediately wanted to do a puppet show for The Littles when I woke them up from nap. I told her that was a great idea and that I didn't even think of them being puppets!

So that's what she did. She performed puppet shows with each habitat, and Bubs liked it so much that she gave it a try too (after being told to be "VERY CAREFUL with it" by Babe, haha).

Oh, and sometime after lunch, Babe added her two sentences to her story. I wouldn't forget about that!

Tomorrow is a HUGE GINORMOUS DAY for Babe and I will try to recall as many details as I can in the blog tomorrow night. Stay tuned!

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