Friday, November 18, 2011

Three. Three. Five.

Another really productive day! And we were finished by 11!

I had special plans for the girls after lunch so I had to make sure Babe was ready to focus so we could get everything done before lunch. She started off with adding a book to her reading log.

Then for Math, I let her breeze through it. I didn't linger on much since it's been working with short and tall all week, so I handed her the worksheets to do. She wanted to measure one thing with the blocks though, so I asked her to estimate how many blocks tall a water bottle is.

"20. Or 29."

She sighed.

"Wrong again."

I reminded her that it was OK to be wrong on an estimation.

Next we jumped into Science, where I handed her a Calvert-worksheet and asked her what season the pictures reminded her of. She answered correctly, and she colored the pictures, then glued them to the Fall sheet of her seasons project we started yesterday. The pictures she colored included a basket of apples and a pile of pumpkins, so I thought this was the perfect time to hand her another brand new book from our Scholastic order, "Clifford Picking Apples and Pumpkins."

I told her that this book would be just as hard, if not harder, than the Hello Kitty book from yesterday. She looked through the pages and agreed, but you know what? She read it. All by herself. The whole book. Again, I was impressed. She's even starting to read the conversation text as an actual conversation, with changes in tone of voice. It's incredible!

I told the girls we had one more thing to do before lunch, and that was to begin talking about Thanksgiving! I gathered the girls on the couch and read them a really, really great book called "The Story of the Pilgrims" by Katharine Ross. It was very easy for Babe to understand and the pictures were very detailed. It had key Thanksgiving words like pilgrims, Indians, Mayflower, and Squanto. I also had Babe go grab her world map so we could see how far England was from the United States, and how much water they had to sail through. Babe was starting to get the idea about the first Thanksgiving. She soaked it all up.

I then had her read yet another book today! That's right! Another three-book day. This book was a perfect read after the book I read, because it is a very basic Thanksgiving story, using the alphabet as a guide!

It really is the best Thanksgiving book! I can't say enough about it. I just love that Babe can read all these books now. I'm still on a high.

Before lunch started, I had Babe sing her November song, "My Country Tis of Thee" so I could record her. Enjoy!

The surprise after lunch was meeting Grandma at Home Depot, then an ice cream outing. During the ice cream outing, Babe told Grandma all about the first Thanksgiving, including how the "mean king in England wouldn't let the Pilgrims talk about God, so they came to America for freedom."

An amazing end to the week.

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