Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Three. Two. Two.

Today in Math, it was the mid-chapter review so we went over numbers 0-8, and spelling of each. First, I had her put the numbers in order, using only the words.


Then I took three numbers away and had her fill in each space the appropriate number of bugs (my next mission is to find some Thanksgiving/Fall manipulatives).


Then I had her do a little spelling test, like last week, to spell numbers 0-8.

Done. Except I told her that one of them was spelled wrong. I asked her if she knew which one. She immediately, seriously, with no hesitation, said that seven was spelled with an 'e', not an 'i'. So then I had her rewrite it.

OK now we were really done...after she did her worksheets.

Next was Reading Comprehension where I re-read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (she knows this story by heart). So after I was done reading, we went over the details, and then I set up a textured art craft.

I split up a sheet of paper into three parts and handed the kids dry oats, felt pieces I cut into rectangles, and toothpicks. We reviewed the order of things that Goldilocks tried in the house and I instructed Babe to draw some bowls of porridge, then build some chairs, then make the beds, each in their appropriate space on the sheet of paper. Each of the kids made their own and they all had fun with the oats. Bubs had more fun with the toothpicks, spreading the glue around the paper.

Z's turned out really good. He actually used all his ingredients and he's getting better and better with liquid glue!

Bubs didn't use her felt pieces, but used her toothpicks as tools to spread out the glue for the oats. Kind of cool actually.

And here's Babe's. So cute. Don't you love the red steam coming from the top bowl, to show how hot it is?! And the broken chair on the bottom of the middle space!?


After lunch and during naps, I did an exercise with Babe to practice her nouns and adjectives, and to reinforce how important adjectives are. We went through what she was wearing today and I had her only use nouns: shirt, skirt, earring. Then I had her write "hair" and "eyes."

Then, I had her draw a picture of herself, but only using the descriptions in the list she just made.

"What colors can I use?"
"Well, does your list explain what colors you are wearing?"
"No, because colors are adjectives and you told me I couldn't use any adjectives."

Awesome. So I had her use a pencil.

When she was done with her picture, I had her make a second list with the same items, but this time using nouns and adjectives. I introduced using multiple adjectives and separating them with commas (which she is already good at because of the date she writes every morning). When she was done with her list, she got to draw her second picture, this time using color!

She really liked this activity so I might expand on this a little bit in the near future.

After an episode of WordGirl on PBS Kids, it was time to get ready for dance. Yay Tuesdays.

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