We went right into Reading Comprehension, where I read her "Shoes from Grandpa" by Mem Fox. We both really liked that book, and Babe recalled each detail really well, from the order in which the man character received clothes, AND who gave her the clothes. When we were done, I turned it into an English lesson and had her practice more with singular and plural nouns.
We went through the story again and I had her write down each noun in the sentences. Then I told her we were going to either make them singular or plural, the opposite of what they were. Again, she was very good at this. The only one I did myself was "scarf." I showed her how it's supposed to be changed, and then wrote it myself. I think this is still a good idea - having me write it, because out of the blue yesterday, she told me that she remembered that the plural of mouse is mice, not mouses. How cool.
After Math and Reading, we did a physical activity that I think both Babe and Bubs would have done all day. I put dried oats in one bowl and dry rice in another and put each on two corners of the dining room table. Opposite of each bowl, I put an empty bowl. Then I gave each one a plastic spoon and told them to spoon out their ingredients, walk the length of the table, and empty their spoon into the other bowl. I told them it wasn't a race so there was no need to run. They both loved this activity so much, they asked to do it again, then they wanted to switch sides! Since it wasn't a race, they were encouraging each other. It was really cute.
After this activity, we were done for the morning.
After lunch and naps, we did Babe's Science lesson on conserving energy. We talked about leaving the lights and the TVs on when we leave the room, leaving the water on while brushing our teeth, leaving the doors wide open when the air is on, and how each of those things are a waste of energy. We discussed how saving energy is good for the planet and causes less pollution, which helps us all breathe better.
When she was done with her worksheets, I had Babe make and design signs for the light switches in the three most common rooms she visits - her bedroom, the bathroom, and the spare bedroom. The signs were to be big and to catch her attention so as she passes them, she can remember to turn the lights off! They turned out really cute.
And with the end of Science came the end of the day. We headed outside to enjoy the cooler weather and to play soccer for the next hour!
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