Monday, November 7, 2011

Three. Two. One.

Well, we are well into the third month now! I can't believe it. I looked ahead in Math a bit and next week we finally start something different - fractions! Woo! I'm excited for that. I foresee lots of pizza-eating for lunch in the coming weeks.

Speaking of Math, we started off with it today and reviewed number eight. Then she did her worksheets. Then we moved on.

I read her "Is Your Mama a Llama?" by Deborah Guarino next. Cute story! It was an intro into our discussion on generations and different family members. I explained to her what a family tree was, and how it shows every member of the family. So I had her write her and her sister's names at the bottom of a sheet of paper, then her parents' names above theirs, and then we just went nuts. We went up four generations high because Babe's great-grandmother is still alive. She found out how many cousins she has ("Whoa that's a lot of kids!") and how many brothers and sisters her mom has! A couple she's never met! We looked at pictures to match faces to names and she had a really great time with this activity. At lunch, she randomly threw out the name "Birdine" to her mom, who asked if she remembered who it was.

"Grandma's mom!"

Then we all learned that Birdine made homemade pies and jams from fruits from her own garden! And that Babe's mom would sometimes be able to go into that garden and help! Too cool.

It's a little hard to see because of how small Babe wrote, but you can definitely tell there are lots of people in the family. This was definitely a cool discussion. It lasted nearly an hour!

Just in time for Sid the Science Kid, which of course I swear by. Especially after tonight, hearing Babe's dad tell me that this weekend Babe was playing "golf", and when the ball went past the cup she said, "Aww...too much force, right dad?"


Babe does that.

After lunch, she "read" me the wordless story of the week, "The Birthday Party." I still can't get over how cute Babe's dialogue is when she has to make it up.

"Come on let's set the table for my party mom!"
"Aww honey I forgot about that!"

I laughed so hard. In my head.

We then worked on the tune for "My Country 'tis of Thee." She knows all the words, she just sings it to her own tune. I had her sing it to the music over and over a few times until she started getting it. We will practice some more this week; then hopefully Friday she'll have it down so I can get a recording.

By now we had about an hour until dance, so I gave her a book to read for her reading log. She read "Next to an Ant" by Mara Rockliff. As she was reading it, I thought of an activity for her to do to practice her singular/plural words.

When she was finished and it was added to her reading log, I had her pick out every naming word in every sentence and write it down. She did VERY well with this. I was really impressed.

After she had them all written down, I then had her write their plural forms next to each word. Again, I was very impressed with her memory on how to do each ending. Even the -y endings came very natural to her. The only one I did myself was mouse/mice. I wasn't ready to explain that one to her, yet.

And with that, we were done with the day. Off to dance!

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