Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6th Month. 4th Week. 2nd Day.

Well, Babe turned around real quick from yesterday and made today a great learning day. She sat down for Math and listened like a champ at my new method of showing her how to start at a number other than 10 to count by 10s to 100. I used the connecting blocks She was a little bummed at how easy it was to understand once she knew it, and actually apologized for yesterday.

"This is pretty easy. Sorry I was mean yesterday..."

Aww. So cute. We hugged it out and by the time we were done hugging, she was done with Math and able to tell me if she had enough money in her pocket to buy something at a certain cost.

For Reading Comp., I brought out the assigned book "Vroom, Chugga Vroom-Vroom" by Anne Miranda. Bubs and Z were doing their work but as soon as Babe said the title, Z ran over and saw what the commotion was about. It was so cute! So Bubs and Z sat and listened to Babe read her book.

At one point she showed them a punctuation mark.

"See, this is an exclamation point so that means we have to say it really loud. Say it with me. VROOOOOOM!!!!!!"

She read this book very well, and even summarized it when I asked her the five Ws of the story! She is getting really good at that.

Next was our discussion on what else we've learned these past 100 days, and today we reviewed the alphabet - both capital and lowercase letters. I at first had Babe fishing for the letters, but that was taking too long because I also had Z doing one alphabet puzzle and Bubs doing another, while Babe was calling out each letter for them to find and put in their respective puzzles.

So I changed the fishing real quick to a system where I was picking out a letter card, showing Z the card along with three different letter puzzle pieces and having him pick the letter on the card.

Believe it or not, he completed the WHOLE puzzle doing this activity!!! I was very impressed!

For Bubs, I did the same thing with her, except I left out the letter card. I would put a few of the letters out and have her pick out the letter I called to her. She was able to do this with every letter, too!

As for Babe, she's known her alphabet for years and learned all of her lowercase letters last year in VPK, so this task was a breeze. As you can see, she matched every one!

After she lined them all up, I gave her a sheet of manuscript paper and had her write each letter, both capital and lowercase. She wrote a couple of letters backwards, but no big deal. I had her correct them and write them five times each.

And with that, lessons were done for the day. We continue reviewing all work tomorrow!

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