Today I had all intentions of teaching Babe about Franklin Roosevelt, but I realized she is still digesting the new information about Thomas Jefferson from yesterday, so I gave her mind a break. We will cover FDR a bit tomorrow.
In Math, we again practiced counting change. She is relatively good at this, but needs constant practice at scenarios like having a quarter and two dimes and being able to count by tens from twenty-five. She gets a little stuck until I push her in the right direction, but I'm hoping that by the end of next week she'll have it all down pat.
We concentrated on the quarter today and I had her use different coins to make 25 cents.
After Math, we jumped in the car and headed to the library for Z and Bubs' class. However, I didn't look at the calendar and didn't realize that today was a special event - children's author Suzanne Bloom was heading up the class today signing books and reading one of her own to the class. Babe was mesmerized. I told her that she was a real author and illustrator and she was so infatuated. She went up and talked to the author after the class and told her that she was an author and illustrator too! It was so cute. Ms. Bloom then let Babe color one of the illustrations she drew on a sheet of paper! Babe felt honored. She usually lays low during Thursday classes because I tell her that the teacher knows she knows all the answers, and she wants Bubs and Z to answer them, but with this event, it was a little too old for Bubs and Z so Babe ate it all up. It was cool.
We then headed to the park for a picnic lunch and playtime, where we met a surprise guest hanging out on the picnic table!
Bubs said, "It looks like a giraffe!"
And it totally did when it stood up! It was the weirdest worm/caterpillar I've ever seen. Even one of the ladies from the community garden came over and took a look at it, saying she's never seen anything like it. It had legs only on it's head and rear, so it actually walked like Slimey from Sesame Street, like an inch worm! It was so cute.
"It looks like a stick!"
Babe was right, too! I told her that it looks like a stick so birds and other animals can't see it when he's on a tree or table.
"Oh! Like the lizard from Curious George that he had to watch that one time for his friend! Remember, he changed color?"
After we finished our lunch and said farewell to our new friend, I had a surprise trip for dessert planned. We pulled into the bakery we visited last month and the girls were so excited. I told them they'd be able to pick one thing to eat. We walked in and the baker welcomed us with open arms! She was just as excited to see us again.
"Thank you for your letter! I have it hanging up here so everyone can see!"
Babe thought that was so cool! The baker hung up her thank-you letter in the front of the store! Bubs recognized it too and ran over to show Z. It was cute. Such a cool experience.
So after we all enjoyed our treat, we headed home where Z and Bubs went down for their nap.
"I wish I could take a nap too."
haha. So I let Babe take a nap, too, but told her that when she woke up she'd have to be ready to do some more school since today kind of got away from us. She agreed.
While she slept, I hid 50 of 100 Hershey Kisses around the house for our fun day tomorrow, and when Babe woke up, she watched a bit of PBS Kids before I handed her a book to read.
"The 100th Day of School?"
I explained to her that tomorrow is her 100th day of Kindergarten. Her eyes got real big.
"100!? I am having so much fun!"
ha! So cute. So I explained to her that tomorrow we are going to have a lot of fun with the number 100. She read the book without a hitch (actually, she stumbled only on the word "special"), added it to her reading log, and we all headed outside for the rest of the day.
I have lots of things planned for tomorrow. I hope I'm able to get to them all!
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