Friday, February 24, 2012

Sixth Month. 3rd Week. 5th Day. --- HAPPY 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

WOW! Today was certainly a whirlwind, but all three kids had so much fun and everything ran so smoothly and perfectly that it was one of the best days of school yet!

I started the day by setting the timer for 100 seconds and letting them find however many Hershey Kisses they could in that amount of time. I gave them each a basket and they loaded what they could. Then we gathered them all on the table and checked off each number we found using the number chart.

After our first round of finding Kisses, I handed them each a gum ball machine print out. I had Babe add 100 gum balls (fingerprints) to her machine. Bubs and Z kind of did their own thing, but Bubs counted as high as she could (20) and then just had fun with the ink pads.

After another round of 100 seconds of finding kisses, the kids prepared their snacks for later - 100th Day Trail Mix. I put ten ingredients on the table and asked Babe how many of each ingredient we would need to make 100th Day Trail Mix.


For Bubs and Z, I drew ten dots on a sheet of paper for each of them and had them put one piece of ingredient on each dot. Then they were able to put the ten pieces in their bag. For Babe, I had her leave her ingredients on the table and keep them sorted.

After we made the trail mix, we did one more round of finding Hershey Kisses, then went outside for more 100 play. We started by each running the fastest we could for 100 feet.

Then we walked 100 steps down the driveway. The pictures show how far each of them got in 100 steps.

Then, Babe jumped with a jump rope 100 times.

We then came in for lunch. While I was preparing lunch, Babe was hard at work on something "secret." The next thing I know, she turns around and is wearing a custom made crown for today!

So funny.

After lunch, we finish up finding the rest of the Kisses.

When all 100 Kisses were found, Babe had the job of splitting them all for each of them.

After enjoying a few of their reward, I brought out the coins again and asked Babe to sort the coins into piles of 100 cents of each coin. When she did, I then asked her to stack each pile! I did the quarters to show her what I meant.

When she got to the pennies, I warned her this was going to be really tough. She tried and tried to stack 100 pennies!

But after her stack kept falling at around the 75 mark, she settled for ten stacks of ten pennies.

I'm getting more and more exhausted as I write this, but we had two activities left for the day. The first was to measure 100 inches of paper, cut it into a snake, and paint it. They all LOVED this activity, even painting outside on a very windy day.

After clean up, we finally ended the day at Dollar Tree to each spend one hundred (and seven) cents to buy a toy. On the way, they enjoyed their 100 Trail Mix. :)

What a great day. Babe felt so proud of everything she did today, and that it was her 100th day of school. And she should be proud! She has learned so so much and has done a ton of work in these 100 days.

Here's to many more 100th days of school!

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