Friday, February 17, 2012

Sixth Month. 2nd Week. Fifth Day.

Today was a great, great day. Babe amazed me with everything she did and she is really loving
being home schooled (more so today because she became aware that her cousin did not have a Valentine's Day party at her school).

In Math today, we worked with counting coins - nickels, quarters, and pennies - all of which she was able to do, though she used her fingers when I gave her a quarter and a nickel. So cute. She did amazing with this, so I elaborated a little bit more with the nickel. Since she knew how many quarters equal a dollar and how many pennies equal a dollar, I asked her to try to count to 100 using nickels, or counting by fives.

Again, she got stuck at number 20, counting by tens the rest of the way. So I told her to listen to how I do it first.

When I was done counting to 100 by fives, she realized how to do it within seconds.

"Oh, so you only say each set of ten twice?"

I looked at her with my jaw to the floor. I don't even understand how her mind can work like that. I told her that was exactly how to do it. And from that moment on, she was able to count to 100 by fives. Amazing.

We next did a 100 chart, and this being her third one, she started figuring out that each one turns into a themed picture. So as I was saying each number, she'd also start guessing if numbers were specific colors. I let her play along. She can easily recognize all number 1-100 now without reading them backwards, so whatever helps her and is fun works for me.

After Math, I had Babe tell me everything she remembered about Abraham Lincoln and she told me a ton of stuff.

"He said NO MORE SLAVES! And then he was shooted in the head by someone who did want slaves, and the North won the Silver War and the South wore grey clothes and the North wore blue clothes. And he was our 16th president and lived in a log cabin and when he died they brought him back to his home to be buried."

Um. Wow. I need to mention that we never discussed the uniforms of the Civil War. She caught on to the differing colors while reading the Abraham Lincoln book yesterday. It's just crazy to me! Another moment I was blown away.

After lunch, I got out the story she wrote from yesterday and we made it into an actual book, with one sentence per page. I then had her illustrate each page. Here is her book, "Night Weather".

"Night Weather" by ... Babe ...

Dani is a little kid.

She thinks about the weather at night.

Today's weather is rainy.
(PLEEEEASE note Dani looking through the window! Adorable.)

Dani sings a song at night about the rain.
(Again, please note the music notes in the window. Hysterical.)

She sings the song because she likes the weather.
(Dani ventured outside wearing a rain jacket and boots!)

She sings it at home.

the end.

So yes, it's a very basic story, but technically it does answer all of the 5 Ws. I will say I think she is a much better illustrator than writer. haha. Next week I am going to have her add an adjective to every sentence and show her how adjectives can add to and enhance a story.

We ended the day with writing a letter to her blind pen pal and adding a little something for him to guess what it is. They've been keeping up pretty well with each other so hopefully the last few months of his preschool year will be full of more letters.

After writing her letter, she added up all her pennies that she earned throughout the week and turned them into a toy from the Dollar Tree. More money/Math. And she's loving every minute of it. What a blast!

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