Today in Math, Babe was introduced to the terms AM and PM when referring to time. I realized that during the day, she really has no sense of time. At all. So today I started asking her to tell me the time at different events - lunchtime, nap time, and dance time. Maybe if I start that up daily she'll have a better sense of when we do certain things and that there's usually a specific time for everything.
In Reading Comp., she re-read "All to Build a Snowman" because she couldn't remember anything about it from yesterday! So yes, I made her re-read it, even though she recognized it the second page in.
After Reading Comp., Babe reviewed the three presidents from yesterday and easily recognized each one. I considered our discussion on that done for the day. Then there was some leisure time for Babe before time was up for Bubs and Z's work, so I let Babe work with the new bins I made for February.
When work time was done, I asked them if they wanted to play outside or do a craft.
I was surprised by their answer! They usually jump at the chance for outside play. But I set up the craft and we made umbrellas. These turned out super cute.
After nap, Babe caught up on checkpoints and did her weather report for the day. It did not rain before dance, so she added that it rained 0 inches. We had enough time before dance for her to add her second book to her reading log, "Snowmen at Night" by Caralyn Buehner. Love this book! And the fact that it had hidden images throughout the book that we both had fun looking for.
And that's Tuesday!
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