Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sixth Month. First Week. Third Day.

Today in Math, Babe learned the difference between analog and digital clocks, and how they both are measurements of time. I was adamant today about making sure she looked at the time frequently throughout the day and telling me the time. With her worksheets, I had her use our teaching clock to match what the digital clock said.

She really enjoyed this activity. Babe loves using that teaching clock.

And with that, Math was done! She completed it in a breeze.

From Math we continued our discussion on presidents, today focusing on George Washington. We have this great book called "I Grew Up to be President" by Laurie Calkhoven. I turned to George Washington's page and read about what Washington did as a young man - how he couldn't afford to go to college, so he drew maps of Virginia and became a surveyor. Babe was fascinated, so I read on about how the colonists elected Washington to be the first president. About how he's the one that led the war on Great Britain, and ended up winning, and the colonists liked that about him! Babe remembered immediately our previous discussion about the first Thanksgiving.

"I remember they came to America because England didn't let them pray to God! So they came here!"

I was so proud. I told her that even though the pilgrims were in America, England still wanted to tell them what to do, but George Washington led the people in war, and kicked England out of America!

"Wow he must be really strong if he kicked that hard!"

I totally laughed out loud on that one.

Then we discussed how George Washington is also famous for his teeth. In another book, "George Washington for Kids" by Brandon Marie Miller, there is actually a picture of one of his sets of dentures. Babe couldn't wait for her parents to get home to tell them all about George Washington's teeth made out of hippo and elephant bones.

By the time our discussion was done, Z and Bubs work time was over so I set up our Washington craft. All the kids loved this and even Bubs was excited to be building her own George Washington.

After clean up, we headed outside where Babe did a quick weather report, reporting that it was 72 degrees outside! 10 degrees cooler than Monday! Crazy Florida.

After lunch, Babe did her online lesson on typing numbers, then I had her type the alphabet, her name, and random words I called out for her to spell. She did amazing with this, and after all that work and discussion today, everyone deserved downtime and we ended the day.

On to the second half of the week!

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