Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Wednesday! A full day of lessons. Everyone did great today and I am completely exhausted. Excuse the nonsense and grammatical errors that might occur in this post.

Today's Math lesson was pretty much review of everything, so I grabbed the tangram shapes and had Babe make as many two color combinations as she could. She did.

I then handed her a bag of change and called out certain amounts to have her show me that amount in coins. She did this freakishly well. To the point where she got all five amounts correct with no hesitation whatsoever in counting the coins. Pretty amazing.

Then we practiced with estimation. I had two different sizes of plastic containers for her. I poured peanuts in the smallest one and had her guess how many peanuts were in it.


So I had her count the peanuts, setting them up in sets of 10.

"Whoa, I was way wrong. There are 74."

haha. Yeah. Way wrong.

I then poured the 74 peanuts into the bigger plastic container. I then asked her how many peanuts she thought would fit into the bigger container.

"Knowing there are 74 peanuts in this container, how many peanuts do you think will fit all together?"

I was a little confused, but I think she was answering the question as if I said, "How many more peanuts will fit?" So I asked the question again.


I told her that was a much better guess, and yes, I actually made her count each peanut. Because while she was doing this, I was able to go in the back room and do Bubs and Z's lessons! This is how I left her:

Bubs picked her first bin, the pre-writing sheet. When I set her up with that, I had Z do the shadow matching sheet. He was amazing at this! He matched each one with ease.

While he was doing that, I looked over at Bubs and she was tracing each line (airplane path) perfectly. It was so cute. She was going very slow and doing it so carefully.

While I was wiping it clean, she asked me if she could do it again, but with a different color. Of course I said of course! So she picked red and did it oh-so-slow and carefully again.

Z finished his bin quickly enough that he wanted to do another one, and he loves clipping clothespins, so he picked the bin with the clothespins in it. That bin was matching numbers and one-to-one correspondence, so I wasn't sure what to do with the bin for him, but he made his own lesson and started matching the cards with the same vehicles. BRILLIANT. Leave it to a two-year-old to show me what to do. ha!

This was the next bin I wanted Bubs to do, so when Z finished up with matching them, I sat with Bubs and had her count each vehicle on the card. Then I had her point to the number of vehicles on it. Aside from mixing up 1 and 7, 2 and 5, and 6 and 9 (on first tries only), she was easily able to recognize all numbers 1-10. So today I figured out that she can recognize the numbers, but can't put them in order yet (only 1-5 can she put in order). When she was done pointing to each number, I then had her clip the matching clothespin onto the card. I was very impressed with how easy it came to her.

After bin work, we worked on the vocab words again. Bubs struggled a bit with the word "taxi", but all in all, both did awesome and of course had a blast finding the matching toy (I hid them all in different places).

After work was free-play, and when I went back to Babe and her counting, she was all done!!! This is what I saw:

AMAZING! So we counted by tens and got the answer.

"320!!! I was kind of close!"

She was. 200 was a pretty good guess!

We cleaned up the peanuts and she completed her worksheets, then we had a brief discussion on transportation. I got out the flash cards once again.

"Do I have to spell them again? Give me ten seconds to look at them all!"

So I did! And then I flipped over the word cards and you know what? She did 50% better than yesterday! She got four wrong yesterday and today she only missed two. AMAZING.

I then had her read "Wheels Around" by Shelley Rotner, a Calvert-assigned book. She was able to read all the way through this book. We discussed how wheels can help us, let us have fun, and take us places. On her corresponding worksheet, she had to draw a truck full of food being delivered. On the side of the truck, she wrote in big green letters "PUBLIX". I couldn't help but chuckle.

After the discussion, we headed outside to a very windy day!

After lunch, we worked a bit with opposites. Babe had a slight issue in thinking up some opposites of her own. She kept saying things like, "How about eagle and bird?" I told her that those weren't opposites, but to keep thinking. After a couple minutes of her not being able to think of something, I wrote the first word on the sheet.

"Oh! Down!"

Now that she completely understood, I wanted her to think of one on her own before I helped her again.

"Boy and girl!"

She was getting in the groove but still had a hard time thinking of both opposites, so for the next few I wrote the first word. She was able to figure out the opposite with ease. We ended up finishing this exercise together, but she did think of the last two on her own.

After this, we headed to the "classroom" to get on the computer and complete her last online lesson as a Kindergartner! Babe did her keyboarding lesson on words, spaces, and enter with ease! And after her online lesson, I did a little typing exercise with her which she did amazingly, and earned her some relaxation time in front of PBS Kids! Done for the day! Woo!

And when Bubs and Z woke up from their naps, they had a special transportation snack waiting for them.

A truck delivering food! Babe got a huge kick out of this.

And with that, Wednesday ended.

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