Friday, March 30, 2012


Today was a mad jumble of everything - Math, finishing up transportation, experiments, etc. I felt all over the place today!

We started the day with observing the sand experiment. I had Babe review her predictions and then go grab the cups out of the freezer. She knew right away how her predictions fared.

"I was right on one of them! But not the other."

I didn't realize this would happen, but the wet sand froze all the way through!

It was a frozen solid rock!

The dry sand didn't freeze at all. It poured right out of the cup.

"Why do you think the dry sand didn't freeze at all?"
"Because there was no water in it to freeze! I guess only water makes ice."

haha. Cute conclusion.

After wrapping that one up, I started a new one based on transportation travel time. I chose three different modes of land transportation that Babe was going to time how long it took each to go around the block. So I helped her write out her predictions (she was a bit under the weather today, but soldiered on in every activity but writing).

So then we went for a walk.
(We did each mode at different times of the day, but for convenience purposes I will talk about this whole experiment in one section.)

It took us nearly an hour (49 minutes to be exact), which is way longer than usual because of course we had to stop and say hi to every horse we saw.

When we got back to the house, I had her record her time. Then (at a different time of day), we went bike riding around the block.

Neatly 18 minutes! Not bad!

Next, we loaded up in the car and got our time ready again.

"How long do you think it will take us to drive around the block?"
"Like, two minutes. It's going to be a very short drive."

Ha! She guessed almost exactly right!

Then it was time to graph the results. She did pretty good labeling the graph correctly! Even counted by 5s to show minutes!

With the experiment done, I'll move on to our observations of our Spring experiment, which Babe started recording results today.

The sand seed is beyond growing. haha. However, I showed Babe an interesting observation I made. Only the peat moss cup is growing both seeds we planted (we planted two seeds in each cup). Even the soil cup is only growing one seed. Interesting.

So as it stands, the sand bean is the tallest, with peat moss and soil close behind (respectively). The rock seed has no chance.

Babe finished up reading the rest of the library books that were transportation themed, too, bringing her grand total of books read in March to 20! An amazing feat.

"I can't believe I read three books in one day. And I can't believe I have new teeth growing and that I have loose teeth now! I feel like a whole other person!"

I mean really, how much cuter can you get? And where does she come up with this stuff?

Onward to April!

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