Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today was another good day. We started with Math, as usual, and I went over third attributes again, to prepare Babe a bit more for the near future. Then I had her work with sorting, something she’s very good at. I had her sort a whole bag of coins. She did her worksheets, and Math was done.

Regrettably, I had no air transportation-themed library books, so we discussed it pretty briefly next. We reviewed how water and land transportation are different, and we added air transportation to the mix. She came up with some really good ones all on her own! Like hot air balloon (“from My Little Pony, remember?”) and hang glider (“like one that Diego uses!”).

Then we jumped into Reading Comprehension. I handed her the book “The Little Engine that Could” by Watty Piper. She read the whole thing. And it’s a tough book!

While she read, I had Bubs at the table with us for a Z-less day. She brought out the pre-writing bin, completed that, then I grabbed the flash cards for her to repeat her work from yesterday. Which she did. Awesomely. And not only did she tell me the first letter of the select vehicles on the worksheet, but she was able to tell me the first letters of every vehicle! Amazing.

After Babe read her book, we worked on position words with the illustrations. Then she did her worksheet. One of the questions asked her to draw a picture of something she had to try really, really hard to do, just like the little blue engine had to try hard to pull the train over the mountain. I couldn’t handle her picture. So cute!

(If you can't tell, it's a picture of her swimming underwater to grab a pair of goggles at the bottom of the pool. We have been working on that for a couple weeks now.)

After Reading Comp., the girls chose to color instead of outside play, so we gathered in the living room and watched Sid the Science Kid and WordWorld.

After lunch, I handed Babe “The Little Engine that Could” again and had her write one word from every page. When she completed it, I told her that for homework, she was to circle all the vowels.

We checked on the Science experiment, but there was no growth enough to record just yet, but Babe did notice that the bean seeds are completely open in the peat moss. We are just waiting for some height!

To finish up the day, I asked Babe to draw a beach scene, and in the scene I wanted her to draw one mode of transportation for each property of Earth. She did! I love the picture. And yes, she did write her name on every mode of transportation she drew.

When she showed me her helicopter, I asked her if she wanted to see the deaf sign for helicopter. When I showed her, I told her that this sign was her Aunt Dani’s favorite sign! It is a pretty fun one to do.

With the completion of her picture came the completion of the day. She got ready for dance and we were off!

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