Monday, January 23, 2012

Five. Four. One.

January is winding down. No more community helpers, though we are reviewing what we can. This week will focus on more in-depth discussions on Martin Luther King, Jr. The rest of the week is pretty light to get Babe's mind ready for new material in February.

But today in Math, Babe spelled "twenty" correctly on her first try.

In Reading Comprehension, Babe and I took turns reading "Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months". I started with January, then Babe read February, I read March, and so on. She answered the questions with ease. Today's lesson focused on the difference between real and fantasy. Babe knows that fish can't really cook and bird's don't use their nests as soup bowls...haha. So yes, today's Reading Comp. lesson was a breeze.

Next, I showed Babe a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. and asked her if she remembered who he was. She said George Washington, but when I asked her what this man did, she replied as if she answered MLK.

"In 1963 he told people that we should all love each other and it doesn't matter what color we are."

I told her she was exactly right! But that his name was not George Washington, but Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Oh I knew that!"

So with that, Babe was re-introduced to Martin Luther King, Jr. and she was primed for more discussion starting tomorrow.

All three kids participated in the MLK color-by-number sheet I printed.

After all of our MLK's were colored in, we went outside for playtime, but I had Babe do her quick writing lesson while out. I had her write three sentences. The first one was going to be about the sky, using one adjective. The second sentence was about the grass using two adjectives, and the last sentence was about the weather using three adjectives.

"The sky is blue. The grass is brown and green. The weather is windy, bright, and hot."

Typical Florida.

But with that, school was done for the day. After lunch, she did her Checkpoint and played a Math game, then we prepared some things for her 6th birthday party. And then it was off to dance!

Monday - CHECK!

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