Friday, January 13, 2012

Five. Two. Five. - HALFWAY!

I've been keeping it a secret until today, but it was another field trip day! Babe had no idea where we were going, but I got out the book "Walter the Baker" by Eric Carle and had her read the title. When she did, her eyes got so wide and she asked if we were going to the bakery.

After the story, I asked her if she knew the difference between a chef and a baker. She did. Then I asked her to start thinking of questions to ask the baker when we got to the bakery.

"I'm going to ask if they have to wake up really early like Walter did in the story!"
"That's a good question!"

We got to the bakery and to my surprise, the baker let everyone in the back for a tour, AND let them knead dough for their very own rolls! The bakery was busy, too! But she gave the kids her full attention. It was so awesome!

Tons of pictures for you to enjoy! Everyone had a lot of fun and I am so grateful for a small-town feel of being able to interrupt the day in the life of a baker. The dough the kids rolled and tied in knots was actually given to us to take home and bake ourselves!

They. Were. DELICIOUS. We couldn't get enough of them. They were just so yummy.

After lunch, I had Babe do the last Math worksheet of Chapter 8 from her Practice and Enrichment book. WOO! Next week she starts learning about "greater numbers" - numbers bigger than 10. And by learning, I mean reviewing. So I will be bundling lessons for the next couple weeks to get to the more challenging stuff again. She only has a few more chapters left before she can start 1st Grade Math! Amazing!

After her worksheet, we headed to the computer where Babe did her next typing lesson on letters K-O. The Spelling Bee that Calvert has for these online lessons is so cute. Babe laughs every time is buzzes around. When she completed her lesson and Checkpoint, I handed her a book to add to her reading log.

I was really pushing it even though I knew she was tired after our busy day, but I wanted to see how far she'd go. We just got our huge order of Scholastic books in and I was excited to start reading them. (I read a new one, "Chicken Cheeks" by Michael Ian Black, to Bubs at nap time and I couldn't get her to stop laughing. We were both giggling in the bed. What a hilarious and cute book!) The book I picked for Babe was a Math related one, "If You Were a Plus Sign" by Trisha Speed Shaskan. It was a little long but she pulled through and finished it! I will save "If You Were a Minus Sign" for Monday, a great wrap-up to our subtraction lessons.

And with that, another week is over. And today marks the halfway point of Kindergarten! That's right! I start the next Lesson Manual on Monday! Woohoo!

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