Thursday, January 19, 2012

Five. Three. Four.

Today in Math, Babe spelled "seventeen" and "eighteen" correctly on her first try!

Today in Reading Comprehension, Babe totally exceeded my expectations and classified a group of foods twice - one group was separated by food groups, the other by color of food. I wasn't even expecting that! I almost covered her face in stickers because of how amazing she did.

Next was our continued discussion on community helpers, today being veterinarians. We started by reading a book, one of my favorites, a birthday gift from my sister to me. "A Sick Day for Amos McGee" by Philip C. Stead is about zookeeper Amos McGee who loves his job and has a certain activity he does with each animal throughout the day. But he wakes up sick one morning and has to skip work, so guess what, the animals come to him! The story is ADORABLE and the illustrations are just as amazing. Babe and Z were laughing through the whole book when they noticed the little things - like the bird sitting on top of the bus that took all the animals to Amos's house, and the elephant snuggling with the teddy bear when the lights go out. I can't say enough about this book, and I guess others couldn't either, because it's a Caldecott Medal winner.

When I finished the book, I told the kids that they were now going to pretend to be veterinarians. They ran off the couch and wanted to know what they were going to do next, they were so excited! I sat them at the table and gave them each a different animal cut out- Bubs a butterfly, Z a turtle, and Babe a Lion. I had them color their animal and gave them two bandages each for them to stick to their animal's booboos.

When they were done taking care of their animals, I had them role play next. I assigned Babe the job of being the vet and Z and Bubs the job of being owners. Babe took very good care of their "pets", even giving Z's penguin a CT Scan using the wall unit. Ha!

After role playing, we again had plenty of time to get ready and attend Bubs's and Z's library class. So off we went! After class was lunch, and after lunch, was Science.

In Science, Babe was introduced to the measurement of volume. I gave her four containers and had her order them from smallest to biggest.

Then I had her estimate how many cups each container would hold.

Then, I put one cup of water in the biggest container and had her make a second estimation for each one. She kept all but one estimation the same.

Then, she went ahead and started pouring! And you know what?! All of her estimations were RIGHT! I was so shocked because even I thought they were all going to be wrong. haha

She found out that the smallest container holds a quarter of a cup of water, the middle two hold one cup of water each, and the biggest one holds three cups. I realized it was the perfect time for a math fraction review, and while she struggled a bit in remembering, she finally realized that four of the smallest container would fit into each of the middle containers. So I let her try it. Then she realized that three of the middle container would fit into the biggest container, so she tried that one too.

Then I had her make a graph of all the information.

After a little over an hour, Science was over. It took a lot of time but she had fun pouring the water and doing the Math. It was great watching her realize so many things at once!

Next, she did her Technology lesson on typing letters P-T. After breezing through that, we ended the school day with adding a book to her reading log - "Sally Goes to the Vet" by Stephen Huneck.

Another very productive day. I still can't believe how much fun we are all having.

Almost forgot, the book was a great way to end the school day, but an animal-shaped snack was a great way to end the whole day!

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