Monday, January 30, 2012

Transition Week - Day 1

I'm not really sure what to call this week, since regarding Babe's Calvert, it's not January or February yet, so I'm going to call it a transition week. We finished reviewing Community Helpers today, and the rest of the week will cover Groundhog Day and an intro to Valentine's Day.

Today in Math, Babe reviewed sequence of events. She did the worksheet where she had to put three pictures in order. Though the photos Calvert chose were kind of...non-Kindergarten-like (the sequence of how a strawberry grows), she did pretty well with it. When she finished her worksheet, I explained how important sequence of events were by asking her to tell me the three steps to feeding her fish.

"Knock on the glass. Open the fish tank. Then sprinkle the food."

I asked her what would happen if we did the last step first.

"Well, then the food would go on the floor and the fish wouldn't eat."

haha. Math complete.

After Math, I set up a clothespin spelling activity that my sister let me borrow from her classroom (that she made herself). It features a few community helpers that we covered this month. I started by taking all the lettered clothespins and putting them in a basket in the middle of the floor. Then I lined up all the community helper pictures on the couch for Babe to be able to see every one (Z watched).

Then Babe started! I told her to pick one clothespin at a time and start tagging each letter (like so).

Soon after Bubs wanted to help and she was so good at it that I let her!

That was a great activity. A big hit. So I might make some of my own for the end of every month.

After that activity, we had just enough time to write one thank-you letter to the dentist. I forgot to take a picture of it, but I asked Babe to start off by thanking them for something they did.

"Thank you for the stuff in the bag."

Then I asked her to write what her favorite part of the dentist was.

"I really liked when the blue light turned the white glue hard."

I then told her to end the letter by thanking them for one more thing. And I can't think of it off the top of my head.

I had Babe address the envelope and I sealed it. Then we headed outside for play. Then it was lunch time.

After lunch, I had Babe write her last thank-you letter. This one to the baker. Again, I followed the same template as the dentist's letter. This letter turned out super cute because Babe remembered a lot and included it in her letter. Then made it personal! Very cool.

So again, Babe addressed the envelope and sealed it.

We ended the day with adding a super simple book to her reading log. I kind of think it necessary for her to read super simple every now and then to keep her reading confidence high.

And with that, Monday was complete!

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