Monday, January 2, 2012

Introduction to 2012 - Part 2

As mentioned yesterday, Babe had no Calvert lesson today, but we still went over New Year's Resolutions...briefly. I started off by reading her and Bubs "Squirrel's New Year's Resolution" by Pat Miller so she could get a better understanding of what a resolution was. After I read the book, I asked her to think of three resolutions for the year.

"1. Feed the fish."
"2. Help someone every day." (A really good resolution, and one stolen from Squirrel...haha.)
"3. Be more polite."

I told her those were really good resolutions! I also told her my resolution was to make sure her and Bubs never stop having fun.

"Thank you!"

After the brief discussion, I gave Babe alphabet cards I made and had her put the capital letters in order, then had her match the lowercase letters. She did this with ease, but it was more of a review activity than anything.

While Babe was doing that, I had Bubs count chocolate chips and place them on corresponding number cards I made. She did this with ease, as well!

After both girls finished their activity, I told them to wait by the door while I unloaded my car of all the new work they will be doing. As I walked up with six tubs in my arms, Babe opened the door for me.

"Tat2! I helped you! That's my resolution!"

I gave her a high five for that one.

When all the tubs were unloaded, I had them each pick one tub at a time and bring it to the kitchen table. I then explained the rules of the new work - one tub out at a time that must be cleaned up and put back if they want another tub. They picked up on the rules so quick and had a blast with every one. It was like Christmas! I already can't wait to change some of them out to see their excitement again.

Bubs was all for the dry rice tub, as I knew she would be. Babe went nuts with the practical activities - the flossing activity and the stuffing envelopes activity. She also did all the other ones and got excited when she finished each. I explained to Babe that the tub work was more for Z and Bubs while she did her schooling, but she was welcome to use them during her free play time. She understood.

So yes, the new work was a big hit. I think tomorrow will be the real test, though, when Z is introduced to it all. Plus I'm adding the first name recognition activity. Wish me luck!

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