Monday, January 16, 2012

Five. Three. One.

Well here we are! Into the second half of Kindergarten. Everyone in the country had the day off from school but Babe did her lessons just fine. We started with Math, as usual, and it was something other than addition and subtraction, so I think she welcomed the change. I first had her sound out the words "eleven" and "twelve" and write them down. She wrote "eleving" and "twelve". So cute. I corrected her, then had her write them correctly. Then I asked her to make a set of 11 connecting cubes and a set of 12 connecting cubes. She did so, very easily. I then introduced to her the idea of creating a set of ten in each existing set, then seeing how many ones were left. With basic addition, she figured out that the ten plus one is 11, and the ten plus two is twelve. Brilliant. She did her worksheets and Math was done.

While Babe was doing Math, Bubs and Z were doing their new-for-the-week name recognition activity. They both caught on super quick and did great!

After Math, Babe did her Reading Comprehension where I read to her a Russian folktale called "Peace and Quiet." I thought it would be a little confusing for her to understand the concept, but she actually understood quite well what was happening. I was impressed. After reading the story, she did her worksheet. Then I asked her to draw, in order, the animals that came into the house, which she did...flawlessly.

With that, Reading Comp. was done and it was time to discuss news reporters, our next community helper. I turned the TV on to the 24-hour news station and asked her if she could point out the news reporter. She was a little confused about the difference between news reporter and newscaster, but what five-year-old wouldn't be? I read her a book about a day in the life of a news reporter and she really enjoyed it. She really liked how it had "real pictures" in it, as opposed to illustrations. After reading that book, she understood the difference and that news reporters go to the news!

Our craft for the day was microphones and these were so cheesy but all three kids LOOOOOOVED them. It was so cute watching them role play with them! Simple craft made from paper towel rolls and a ball of aluminum foil!

After lunch, I had Babe do some more Math worksheets so she didn't have to do so many for homework when I left (I had her do two lessons today in Math). Then I sat her on the couch and we briefly discussed why today was called Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I was debating with myself how I would go about introducing the idea of prejudice and MLK to Babe, and at first I wasn't going to do this lesson at all with her. But I decided to just do it and see how she handled it.

The reason I was fighting with myself is because, while I know that Babe sees different color skin, she doesn't see it as a "difference", if that makes sense. So I felt like if I told her that extreme prejudice has existed and still exists today, she'd maybe take it the wrong way or go to one of her friends in her dance class who has "brown skin" as she calls it, and say something that could be taken out of context.

In my head I just kept rewinding that scene in the movie "Corrina, Corrina" where the little girl's dad (I think) was using the N-word in everyday conversation, and the little girl went to her black friend and called her that word, not thinking anything of it. Then of course the black girl gets angry and says she's not her friend anymore.

I could totally see something like that happening here, but I just pressed forward and briefly told her the idea of segregation and how Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man who told a lot of people that it wasn't right. Then I had her read "Martin's Dream" by Jane Kurtz. She read this very well.

Calvert covers more of him and his ideology so next week we will do a couple days about the subject.

After she added it to her reading log, it was time to get ready for dance.

First day of the second half of Kindergarten...DONE!

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