Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8th. 3rd. 2nd.

Today in Math, Babe did a little more work with addition. When she was able to show me how well she could do the worksheets, I challenged her a bit more with finding the missing addend, then we were done with Math.

After Math, I went to the back with Z and Bubs, where Bubs wasn’t up for working today. When Z finished up with his beloved rice bin, we repeated the egg bin from yesterday, where I called out the color egg and asked him which animal was inside of it.

During their free play, I headed back to Babe where we discussed the animals and machine that help on the farm. Then she read “Farm Machines” by Nancy Dickmann, which helped Babe picture all the things a tractor does, including pulling a plow and pushing a hay roller! Crazy.

After discussing the importance of tractors, it was craft time! All three kids sat at the table in front of large pieces of hay-colored paper. I poured a line of black paint on each one and gave them each a toy tractor to roll around the wet paint to make tractor tire tracks. Z LOVED this, but of course I didn’t realize the toys were the pull-back-and-go kind, so this ended up a messier than I anticipated. Still though, it was a lot of fun.

After lunch, Babe did her Science assignment in learning about Earth’s orbit around the sun and how it rotates. I blew up her Calvert-given globe and grabbed a lantern, picked the darkest area in the house - the master closet - and stepped inside. I put the lantern on and told Babe to pretend it was the sun. I then explained to her how Earth moves around the sun, in an oval. I explained that it takes one year for our planet to go around the sun, and that depending on how far away it is from the sun determines which season we are in.

“So let’s say the Earth is right here. At the closest it can be to the sun. What season do you think it is?”

“Summer, because the sun is so hot and it’s making Florida hot too.”

“That’s right! What season do you think it is when Earth is really far away from the sun?”


“Yes! How can you tell?”

“Because we are far away where the sun can’t make us hot.”


When she understood the concept of a revolution, I explained to her how the Earth rotates as well. I showed her how when Florida is in the light of the sun, the other part of the Earth is dark, so it’s nighttime. I think this exploded her brain a little bit.

“So it’s dark in Asia when it’s day time in North America?”

“Exactly right!”

“So it’s not daytime everywhere?”


We discussed it a little bit more to work out her new revelation - how when the Earth rotates, it makes days and nights. She started to understand and did pretty good with answering my questions for the rest of the discussion. This will be cool to expand on in the future, but I briefly included how The Moon revolves around the Earth, and how all the rest of the planets revolve around the sun, too!

“So it’s like a juggler just juggling and spinning all those balls in the air!”


She did her Science worksheet, then ended the day reading the cute book “The Little Rabbit Who Liked to Say Moo” by Jonathan Allen. We did a quick discussion/review about which products come from each farm animal and I had her complete these puzzles from 2teachingmommies.com to reinforce those facts.

On to Wednesday!

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