It is very, very late. Please ignore any grammar and/or spelling errors. I almost didn't blog today, but all kids did amazing today and they did a lot of work!
It took Babe a looooong time to get focused this morning. I asked her to draw a Venn diagram and she had trouble remembering what it was. Then when I showed her one, she did draw it. Then I sorted shapes into two circles, like so:
It took her a very long time to figure out how these shapes were sorted (yellow shapes and small shapes). I then asked her to go get her hula hoop and jump rope. I had her do the same activity on the floor.
I had her put all the yellow shapes in one circle and all the small shapes in the other. Once she realized what she was doing, she was already filling up the middle with small yellow shapes.
To make sure she remembered how these sorting circles work, I had her clean up all the shapes and sort them another way. She did!
I asked her how these shapes were sorted.
"Red shapes, triangles, then red triangles!"
I reinforced the idea that size is also a characteristic that the shapes can be sorted into. Maybe that's what her issue was. I'm not completely sure, but Math was only supposed to take 10 minutes today and instead it took an hour. Oops! haha
Because it took so long, I held off on more lessons and went to the back room with Z and Bubs. They both picked their usual first bins.
When Bubs was done, I picked the number clip bin for her and it took her an unusually long time to remember how to count to ten. It was a bit unsettling at first, but after we counted each item together, she started getting the hang of it. She pretty much was able to point out the correct number each time, too.
When all the clips were put on, I had her but them in numerical order. With a little help, she did!
Before playtime, I helped Bubs with another worksheet, this one being patterns. She needed a little help with the rhythm, but once I showed her how to do it, she gave the correct answer each time.
After playtime, we continued yesterday's craft and "turned" our caterpillars into butterflies. This time, for Bubs and Z, I numbered the body of the butterfly and had them put the circles into numerical order going down. Bubs was a pro.
Outside play. Lunch.
After lunch, I put off nap for a bit so we could make stained "glass" Easter decorations. Another Pinterest idea I found, I had them all cut up Spring colored tissue paper.
Then I placed some contact paper in front of them, and after their excitement settled down of sticking their fingers all over the paper, they stuck their tissue paper pieces onto it.
After they were done, I layered it with the other side of the contact paper and drew a cross on each one and had them cut it out (helping out Z and Bubs).
I think they turned out VERY cool. I was really impressed with them. By this time, Z was definitely ready for bed and Bubs was staring off into dreamland already, so off they went.
During nap, Babe and I had a very good discussion about the real meaning of Easter. I explained more about why Jesus had to die, and told her that God needed Jesus to die so that when we die, we can all go to heaven.
"God is mean then!"
"No, he's not mean. He actually loves us SO MUCH, that in order for us to be in heaven with him, Jesus needed to die so we could get there. When Jesus died, everyone was able to get into heaven."
She killed me with her next question.
"But people died before Jesus did. Weren't they in heaven already?"
How. Does a six-year-old. Think. Like that.
I knew she was ready for a deeper discussion, and I was going to get out the Bible and read her the passages of Jesus dying and how all the tombs of all the previously dead broke so everyone could go to heaven, but instead, I got out "The Easter Story" by Allia Zobel Nolan. What an amazing book. I skimmed through it real quick to check for how it portrayed the Crucifixion, which it didn't, so I knew it was the perfect book, and I read it to her.
She finally understood a lot more than she did. It was a really good discussion. I think she finally understood the difference between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit too. It kind of gave me goosebumps.
After that, we jumped into Reading Comprehension where she read "Mouse's Birthday" by Jane Yolen. CUTE BOOK! Even Babe said it at the end, too. We went over how it's a silly book, just like yesterday's, and how sometimes people write books just to make others laugh.
Then she did her worksheet, where it asked her to draw something that could happen at Mouse's birthday party, and something that could happen if Farmer had a birthday party.
"See that guy in the back? He's taking a piece of cake before everyone else! That could totally happen at a person's birthday party."
How. Cute.
Then she read "If I Were the Easter Bunny" by Louise Gardner for her Reading Log (another adorable book).
After Bubs and Z woke up from nap, I had them try to do some Easter "puzzles" I printed out (also from Z was a little too young to do this, but he certainly tried. Bubs was able to do all of them, even the Easter egg! Which was for sure the hardest!!!
With that, the day was officially done.
Tomorrow is our Eastery afternoon, where major egg-decorating commences!
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