Monday, April 23, 2012

8th. 4th. 1st.

It's late so I'm just going to jump in.

Today started subtraction (review) for Babe in Math. She's pretty well off in subtraction but I'd like her to know all subtraction sentences with the difference of 0-10 by the end of the week, just like with addition. And practice makes perfect. After a few worksheets, I showed her some of the stuff she'd be learning this week. I blew her mind.

I think her brain exploded.

I showed her a subtraction number sentence like 5-3=2. I then showed her that when reading it backwards, she can say 2+3=5.

She gasped.

Then did the same thing for all the rest of the sentences on the worksheet. 

Yeah, her mind was blown. So she's excited to learn that in the coming days.

After Math we did some Reading Comprehension, where I asked her if she remembered the story of The Tortoise and the Hare. After a little reminder of what a tortoise and a hare were, she remembered everything about the story, setting included (which is what the lesson was about). She then read "Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up her Wash" and answered a few questions about that story, setting included. After she completed her worksheets, I got out the iPad.

I showed all three of them different videos about May Day and how people celebrate the first day of May/Spring. After watching people dance around a pole for a few minutes, I told them they were going to make their own May Poles! Babe is dying to do it "for real" so I'm going to try to figure something out for next week, but for the time being, I handed each of them a paper towel tube and some sheets of tissue paper to cut.

They each got to cutting strips of tissue paper ad gluing them onto their May Pole. This craft seemed to create more frustration than anything, but the girls kept at it and ended up with a cool finished product.

We then cleaned up, headed outside, then ate lunch.

After lunch, Babe did her weekly measurement of the Spring Experiment, where the soil plant has taken the lead in height. It's now at 6 inches, with the sand plant close behind at 5.5. Crazy!

I then handed Babe "Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash" again and had her tell me the rhyming words on different pages. She was able to do so, and I told her it was time to make up her own poem about a bear. She named the bear Sandy, and then she thought of four more words that rhyme with bear. She struggled with this a bit, but was finally able to get the words listed.

Then it was time to write her poem.

And what a cute poem it is!!! Complete with illustration.


She ended the day by adding "The Busy Spring" by Carl Emerson to her Reading Log. She's on book 18 of the month! Amazing!

On to Tuesday!

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